Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Speech Course Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Speech Course Reflection Paper - Essay Example Thus, rational speech gains instant approval and favor irrespective of the cultural diversity present in the audience. Meticulous development, planning and analysis of speech/communication are necessary steps to gain attention and trust of the listeners. Truth cannot be told in a simple straight forward manner and in a flat tone. It requires careful analysis of situation and audience. Moreover, meticulous selection of words is required to deliver the ââ¬Ëright messageââ¬â¢ to the intended audience. Blunt truths can damage personal reputation and can hinder the process of understanding on the part of listener. They tend to obstruct the speech of speaker and listeners act according to prejudged criteria (pessimistic perception). Once, I took a stance in a challenging situation and I was perceived antagonist instead of a person who stood by truth. Through, persuasiveness, special occasion speaking and informative speaking lessons I learnt that establishing a proactive stance is necessary to deliver intended purpose of oneââ¬â¢s speech. Furthermore, defensive, judgmental, skeptical and aggressive tone conveys a wrong impression even if the person is stating true facts. Moreover, slanted and biased questions intricate the possibility of rationality at all and it is highly significant to keep the questions clear and concise, so one can establish good impression and gains immediate listening attention. Controversial truths or facts before delivery need to be concealed or mixed with many aspects like appreciation, acknowledgement and open-ended hypothesis for the audience in a neutral and pleasant tone. Hence, it is extremely necessary to avoid trite sentiments through subtle use of language and to initially analyze the type of audience one intends to communicate with. Ethnical specific agendas cannot be understood aptly in a diverse cultural audience. They are often misunderstood and give a
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Analysis of Conceptual Frameworks in Accounting
Analysis of Conceptual Frameworks in Accounting Introduction International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has begun a mutual project with US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to rebuild the existing frameworks and converge them into a common framework. First, some background. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has proposed that companies required to file financial statements with the SEC begin replacing U.S General Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) beginning in 2014. For all practical purposes this means the eventual adoption of IFRS (principles-based) for all companies in the United States (U.S. accounting standards are considered to be rule-based model). The shift aims to harmonize US accounting standards to an international one in tandem with the globalization of capital markets.Norwalk agreement between the FASB and the IASB was signed paving the way for the creation of more principles-based accounting standards for global financial reporting (Wikipedi a, 2010). What isà a Conceptual Framework? International Conceptual Framework of Financial Reporting is a system of interactive objectives and fundamentals which lays out a set of consistent standards in preparing financial reports.A conceptual framework is akin to a constitution that prescribes the nature, function and limits of financial accounting and financial statements. Why is a conceptual framework necessary? First, to be useful, standard setting shouldbuild on and relate to an established body of concepts and objectives. A soundly developed conceptual framework should enable the IASB or FASB to issue more useful and consistent standards over time. A coherent set of standards and rules should be theresult, because they would be built upon the same foundation. The framework should increase financial statement users understanding of and confidence in financial reporting, and it should enhance comparability among companies financial statements. Second, new and emerging practical problems should be more quickly solved byreference to an existing framework of basic theory. For example, PandaCorporation sold two issues of bonds that it would redeem either with $1,000 in cash or with 50 ounces of silver, whichever was worth more at maturity. Both bond issues had a stated interest rate of 9 percent. At what amounts should the bondshave been recorded by Pand a or the buyers of the bonds? What is the amount ofpremium or discount on the bonds and how should it be amortized, if the bond redemptionpayments are to be made in silver (the future value of which was unknownat the date of issuance)?It is difficult, if not impossible, for the FASB or IASB to prescribe the proper accountingtreatment quickly for situations like this. Practising accountants, however, must resolvesuch problems on a day-to-day basis. Through the exercise of good judgment and withthe help of a universally-accepted conceptual framework, practitioners can dismiss certainalternatives quickly and then focus on an acceptable treatment. Harmonization of accounting standards is very important. For instance, Multinational companies doing business in more than one country will find that it is difficult to comply with more than one set of accounting standards established by authorities in different nations. Harmonization of accounting standards will help the world economy in the following ways: by facilitating international transactions and minimizing exchange costs by providing increasingly perfect information; by standardizing information to world-wide economic policy-makers; by improving financial markets information; and by improving government accountability. International investment decisions and financial-based management decisions are then made with less risk. Furthermore, harmonization of accounting policy would help provide a level playing field globally. Regulators and auditors will be receiving the same information, facilitating the evaluation process. In todays accounting environment, there are two formats of accounting systems, namely principles-based system and rules-based system.Almost all companies are required to prepare their financial statements according to one of the two standards. Recently, there has been much debate on whether principle-based accounting would be more efficient than the popular rules-based accounting, in the wake of accounting scandals, such as Enron. As a result of the Enron saga, the current way of accounting has been come under a great deal of scrutiny. Rules-based Accounting Rules-based accounting such as US GAAP is basically a list of detailed rules that must be followed when preparing financial statements. Many accountants favor the prospect of using rules-based standards, because in the absence of rules they could be brought to court if their judgments of the financial statements were incorrect. When there are strict rules that need to be adhered to, the possibility of lawsuits is diminished (Investopedia, 2009). Having a set of rules can increase accuracy and reduce the ambiguity that can trigger aggressive reporting decisions by management. The matrix of rules, however, can cause unnecessary complexity in the preparation of financial statement Principles-based Accounting Principles-based accounting such asIFRS is adopted as a conceptual basis for accountants. A simple set of key objectives are set out to ensure good reporting, e.g. qualitative characteristics, faithful representation. Common examples are provided as guidelines and explain the objectives. Although some rules are unavoidable, the guidelines are not meant to be used for every situation (Investopedia, 2009). Precise requirements can sometimes compel managers to manipulate the statements to fit what is compulsory. The problem with principles-based accounting is that lack of guidelines can yield unreliable and inconsistent information that makes it difficult to compare one organization with another. When contemplating which accounting method is best, it must be made certain that the information provided in the financial statements is relevant, reliable and comparable across reporting periods and entities. Increased discussion has pushed accountants towards principle-based accounting, but it is recognized that the method needs to be modified to make it more effective and efficient. To illustrate thecomparison, for example, depreciation expense for all fixed assets is to be set at 10 percent per annum of the original cost of the asset until the asset is fully depreciated.Such a rule leaves no room for judgment or argument about the amount of depreciation expense to be recognized. Comparability and consistency across firms and through time is virtually assured under such a rule. This is a rules-based system.In contrast, under the principles-based system, depreciation expense for the reporting period should reflect the decline in the economic value of the asset over the period. Such a standard requires the application of judgment and evaluation by both managers and auditors. The goal is to register the realistic value of the asset according to as is basis. Differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP Statement of Income Under IFRS, extraordinary items are not segregated in the income statement, while, under US GAAP, they are shown below the net income. Consolidation IFRS favors a control model whereas U.S. GAAP prefers a risks-and-rewards model. Some entities consolidated in accordance with FIN 46(R) may have to be shown separately under IFRS. Inventory Under IFRS, LIFO (Last In, First out) cannot be used while under U.S. GAAP,companies have the choice between LIFO and FIFO (First In, First Out). Using the LIFO method results in lower gross profit, which allows a company tobe taxed less. Earning-per-Share Under IFRS, the earning-per-share calculation does not average the individual interim period calculations, whereas under U.S. GAAP the computation averages the individual interim period incremental shares. Development Costs These costs can be capitalized under IFRS if certain criteria are met, while it is considered as expenses under U.S. GAAP(Remi Forgeas, 2008). Advantages Rules-based System Increased accuracy, reduced ambiguity and a diminished possibility of lawsuits. Rule-based standards are generally considered easier to audit for compliance purposes, and may produce more consistent and comparable financial reports across entities. Auditor display higher confident in decision making because they have a bright-light guidelines. Principles-based System The fundamental advantage of principles-based accounting is that its broad guidelines can be practical for a variety of circumstances Potentially very flexible with regard to new and changing products and environments. As such, they should also require less maintenance. Another advantage of a principles-based system is that it would result in simpler standards. Principles-based system would lead to standards that would be less than 12 pages long, instead of over 100 pages. Accountants are afforded the flexibility to input their expertise and judgment more freely in line with the professional code in producing the financial statements. Such deployment of their skills and experience will enhance their professionalism. Disadvantages Rules-based System Lack of transparency of disclosure. In the wake of recent accounting scandals, such as Enron and Worldcom, investors are becominghypersensitive to the reliability of published accounts and suspicious of the possibility of inflated earnings. The major drawback to a rules-based system is the complexity in the preparation of financial statements May include a lack of flexibility with regard to changing conditions and new products, hence requiring almost continual maintenance at times. Frequently subjectto manipulation as entities may search for loopholes that meet the literal wording of the standard but violate the intent of the standard. Principles-based System Critics of a principles-based approach argue that financial statements are more difficult to audit andwould likely lose their comparability and consistency across industries and issues regarding income measurement and recognition would remain controversial. For example, how much income will General Electric actually recognize on a multi-year defense contract under the percentage of completion method of accounting? Will this be comparable to the income reported by its competitors? To the extent that they rely on individual judgment to interpret and implement the standards, there is a danger that they can be used to manipulate financial results. For example, what ifthe auditors behaving badly? Abuse their trust and fail to apply the principles in good faith consistent with the intent and spirit of the standards. Auditors display less confidence in their decisions. Between the rules-based and principles-based modules, it is felt that the latter will be more practical and preferred by the global community, given its universal appeal based on ethics, sound judgment, transparency, credibility and even downright common sense factors. Moreover, in the globalised business arena, this system would be easier to adopt, comprehend and acceptable as against rigid rules that may be interpreted differently from one country to another. Example Cases Enron Case U.S. accounting standards are considered to be rule-based model. For example, we look at the Enron scandal, which broke in October 2001 and eventually led to the collapse of the Enron Corporation. Through the use of accounting loopholes, special purpose entities (SPE), and poor financial reporting, Enron was able to cover up billions of dollars in debt from failed deals and projects.In the U.S, Accounting law allows a company to exclude a SPE from its own financial statements if an independent party has control of the SPE, and if this independent party owns at least 3 percent of the SPE. Enron needed to find a way to hide the debt since high debt levels would lower the investment grade and trigger banks to recall lendings. Using the Enrons stock as collateral, the SPE, which was headed by the CFO Fastow, borrowed large sums of money. And this money wasused to balance Enrons overvalued contracts. Thus, the SPE enabled Enron to convert loans and assets burdened with debt obligations into income. In addition, the taking over by the SPE made Enron transfer more stock to SPE. However, the debt and assets purchased by the SPE, which was actually burdened with large amount of debts, were not reported on Enrons financial accounts. Enron was also guilty of using a dubious mark-to-market accounting system in its forward gas contract sales whereby income was estimated as the present value of net future cashflows to indicate true economic value. When these projects faltered, income was still recorded based on the initial value which of course was incorrect. As a result more projects had to be created to sustain a steady income inflow to appease the shareholders. Shareholders lost nearly $11 billion when Enrons stock price, which hit a high of US$90 per share in mid 2000, plummeted to less than $1 by the end of November 2001. Transmile case A special audit carried out by Moores Rowland Risk Management Sdn. Bhd, showed that Transmile made pre-tax losses of RM126 million and RM77 million for 2006 and 2005, respectively, instead of pre-tax profits of RM207 million and RM120 million as originally reported a total of RM530 million in overstatement. Their auditors Deloitte Touche declined to approve the accounts when the company failed to furnish them proof to substantiate certain trade receivables. However, the loss was not detected by Deloitte Touche. Worldcom case This case unveils how one of the worlds largest Mississippi telecommunicationproviders managed to make $3.8 billion disappear? The answer lies in the companys CFO Scott Sullivans treatment of capital expenditures and the accrual method, one of the basic principles of accounting.Sullivan, fraudulently took billions of dollars in operating expenses and spread them out across so-called property accounts, which is a type of capital expense accounts. This allowed Worldcom to charge the expenses off slowly, and in smaller amounts, instead of reporting them immediately to investors. The U.Ss rules-based accounting system is lack of transparency.Transparency is becoming a matter of survival rather than choice. The way toaddress at least some of the flaws mentioned above is to advocate more transparency in financial reporting. This essentially means that companies would start providing all the information the market considers to be relevant rather than simply fulfilling their mandatory regula tory requirements. Southern Bank Bhd (SBB) case In the review of Southern Bank Bhds audited financial statements for the year ended Dec 31, 2005 there was inappropriate accounting treatment amounting to RM 160 million as follows: Inappropriately valuing certain derivative financial instruments and not writing down in full the collateral value. Wrongly writing back specific provisions made on certain foreclosed properties. Capitalizing instead of expensing certain costs which is similar to Worldcom financial scandal. It appears that the accounting and auditing standard in Malaysia is very low. In order to protect the interest of the small investors and shareholders, the accounting and auditing standard should be upgraded. Conclusion Personally, I do not favor relying on either principles. Without credible principles, the rules are meaningless. Without rules the accountants are not protected. We had principle-based rules up until the IASB/FASB was created. The more specific rules or guidance were issued following lawsuits against auditors or accountants, questioning their professional judgment. The profession felt that to issue specific rules would reduce the likelihood of lawsuits against the accountants professional judgment. Interestingly, we are now coming full circle and looking to simplify how accounting is interpreted. We will make this switch and then in another 10-20 years, if another accounting scandal arises and everyone will ask for more rules again? However, we may be well served by acknowledging that neither a purely rules-based nor a purely principles-based system will be the best option on its own. Perhaps a largely principles-based system policed by a simple rules code could be the ideal solution.Any set of rules will be subject to someones interpretation. The rules will only be as good as those who use them. (2,490 words)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Maquiladoras and the Exploitation of Womens Bodies Essay -- Murder Fe
Maquiladoras and the Exploitation of Women's Bodies Works Cited Missing In a changing economic and political climate gender stereotypes in Juà ¡rez, Mexico refuse to change. With an increasing number of women forced into the workplace in maquiladoras(1), men's position and women's assumed position in society is being challenged. This changing economic environment in an unchanging cultural environment is part of the reason that young women are disappearing being raped and mutilated before ultimately being killed and "abandoned like meat by-products in the desert" (Pà ©rez, March 2004). These women's bodies are entering unknowingly and unwilling into a war about cultural norms and a changing economic atmosphere. The exploitation of and war on women's bodies in Juà ¡rez was set in motion long before they began being murdered in large numbers; it was instigated in the maquiladoras were they were working. Juà ¡rez is a popular site for US Fortune500 companies to place factories that have very law cost and optional taxes. The more than 500 maquiladoras operating in Juà ¡rez have drawn an influx of Mexicans who hope to get rich quickly. While the workers in maquiladoras are better of financially than they would be anywhere else, the maquiladora environment and cities are far from ideal. Maquiladoras employ mostly young women.(2) In a machismo culture women are preferred to men as workers in the maquiladoras because they can be paid substantially lower wages, while they also have better manual dexterity. Years of sexist attitudes have created an environment where this pay gap not only possible but entirely acceptable. The average wage is from four to seven dollars for a nine-hour work day and there are no benefits offered to workers. ... ...gainst societal norms that require them to be at home. This violation of the cultural norm may be part of the reason why their bodies are later abducted, raped, mutilated and later left in the desert. This phenomenon of murder is a clear message to the women of Juà ¡rez that they are overstepping their bounds and that the murders will continueââ¬âeither until views change or the women step back into their prescribed roles. 1. Spanish word for factory. Used to refer to the factories in Mexico run by American companies where many of the women of Juà ¡rez work. 2. Although most of these factories have an official policy of hiring only women aged sixteen or older, many workers can forge documents and be hired as young as twelve possibly younger. 3. Mestiza means mixed in Spanish. Mestiza was originally used to refer to someone with mixed native and European blood.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Critique of the paintings by the artist A.E. Backus Essay
Albert Ernest ââ¬Å"Beanieâ⬠Backus is a gifted painter born on January 3, 1906 in Ft. Pierce, Florida. He studied at the Parsons School of Applied Art in New York but his talent in creating wonderful works of art is considered to be only self thought. He devoted his time in creating Florida landscapes after he came from the war and his works became widely popular through his exhibitions in Miami and Palm Beach. (ââ¬Å"A. E. Backus: A brief biography,â⬠2007) Backus is famous for his creative works that feature picturesque Florida views like sunsets, the vistas of the Everglades, and spectacular beach and river views. One of his artworks, titled the ââ¬Å"Early Taylor Creekâ⬠was in fact a nice example in his set of landscapes. Created in memory of S. N. Baruch, this work of art shows a view of a boat resting on a side of a creek with palm trees and a house looming on its background. The outlines of the shapes and lines are not overly emphasized and are applied in light strokes creating a wispy sort of image to the view. The colors used are mostly in the hues of light green, brown, and blue giving the impression of solemnity and mildness to the artwork. The shading of the colors in the picture is applied subtly while the texture gives a rather unrealistic and semi-solid sense of touch on the surface because of the way the lines are applied in wispy strokes. (ââ¬Å"Permanent Collection,â⬠2007) When it comes to the application of the principles of design, this work of art can undoubtedly be considered as one having a nice visual balance. The informal type is used in this work wherein unlike objects are placed on either side of the picture to create the illusion of balance. With the boat serving as the central point, Backus created equilibrium by painting a clump of trees on the right side and pairing it with the picture of the house, an expanse of grass, and a withered trunk on the left. (ââ¬Å"Principles of Design,â⬠2007) Variety is the principle that artists use to make a certain artwork interesting by creating complex relationships in their works to make it appealing and lively. For some painters, however, the concept of variety is out of the question when they want simplicity to rule in their creations. Here in Early Taylorââ¬â¢s Creek, the principle of simplicity is the one used because it displays elegance despite of its plainness in subject. The boat resting on the side of the creek and the house on its background, on the other hand, shows the application of the principle of emphasis since these are the objects that stood out most on the painting. (ââ¬Å"Principles of Design,â⬠2007) When it comes to contrast, the concept of low contrast is applied in this work since the colors used are mainly in the same hues and the shapes doesnââ¬â¢t give an impression of obvious difference on the whole of the artwork. Repetition is displayed here by the withering trunks on both the left and right side of the picture and it also showed good rhythm by the way Backus painted the trees and the grass swaying in the same direction to emphasize movement. Also, the principle of scale showed here are shown in correct proportions to the standard size references of the actual objects making it look realistic in nature. The spacing of the objects in the picture is done well and the motions as well as depth are also simply well-displayed. (ââ¬Å"Principles of Design,â⬠2007) Backus has an unrequited passion for wildlife and plants and through his natural talent; he was able to produce captivating paintings of tropical flowers and other flora. One of his particular favorite as his subject is the hibiscus which is a native in Hawaii and Malaysia. One of his paintings featuring this ubiquitous flower is his work called the ââ¬Å"Offering to the godsâ⬠which features a native mask standing amidst a background of several leaves with a red hibiscus lying on its side. (ââ¬Å"Wikipedia,â⬠2007) Studying the elements and the principles of designs applied to it, this artwork can be well considered as the opposite of Early Taylorââ¬â¢s Creek. The lines and shapes used here are well defined and geometric compared to the earlier landscape giving it a solid and distinct impression. The colors used here are mostly in black and in shades of dark brown, green, and red which gave it a rather gloomy and mysterious kind of feel. The shading applied also added to the factor of the artworkââ¬â¢s shadowy appearance. Due to the smooth application of strokes and the defined lines, the Offering to the gods was able to attain the kind of solidity that lacked in Early Taylorââ¬â¢s creek. (ââ¬Å"Backusgallery. com,â⬠2007) In examining the principles of design used here, it is noticeable that this creation didnââ¬â¢t use the principle of balance. All the weight is placed on the left side of the picture because of the mask and the clump of leaves behind it. Only the hibiscus flower was placed on the right but its bright red color somehow made up to its lack of size when compared to the dull colors of the objects painted on the left side. Simplicity isnââ¬â¢t also applied here because when you first look at the picture, you will quickly notice the stand out image of the mask looming over the startling red hibiscus lying prone on its side. (ââ¬Å"Principles of Design,â⬠2007) When it comes to the principle of variety, what lacked in Early Taylorââ¬â¢s Creek was abundant here in this work. Because of this pictureââ¬â¢s mystifying look, it possessed a certain complexity that only the aspects of variety can only give. However, emphasis is hard to distinguish in this artwork because there are only two subjects painted here and both are certainly noticeable. The native mask can be considered as the focal point of the painting because of its appearance and size but the hibiscus can also be taken in as the important subject because its bright red color stands out from the shadowy background of green, brown, and black. On the other hand, the concept of high contrast is used here because of the emphasis of the color of the hibiscus over the shades of the mask, leaves and the background. (ââ¬Å"Principles of Design,â⬠2007) The concept of repetition is out of the topic since the two subjects here are far different from each other. The principle of scale, however, was quite noticeable in this painting because of the monumental size of the mask over the hibiscus flower. Motion is not applied since the subjects portray a fixed position and the principle of rhythm is also disregarded since it is connected to the concept of repetition. The depth possessed by the artwork is also unfathomable because of the mysterious and gloomy quality brought by its subjects. (ââ¬Å"Principles of Design,â⬠2007) The Early Taylorââ¬â¢s Creek piece is more appealing to me because of its sheer simplicity and elegance. Its concept is also easy to understand and interpret compared to the dark ââ¬Ëfeelââ¬â¢ that the Offerings to the gods give. I also find that the principles of design are well applied here because the concepts of balance are applied soundly and the lack of variety makes people to easily connect with the message it communicates. Movement and rhythm are also very well handled making this painting more realistic in nature. The Offerings to the godsââ¬â¢ concept may be appealing because of its mystifying aura but Early Taylorââ¬â¢s Creek is still my choice because of the light and placid feel it displays. References: Backusgallery. com. (2007). A. E. Backus: A brief biography. (2007). Permanent Collection. (2007). Principles of Design. (2007). Wikipedia. (2007).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Turkle and Gopnik
Connecting points for Turkle and Gopnik ââ¬Å"What changed? That James story helps supply the key. It was trains and telegrams. The railroad ended isolation, and packed the metropolis with people whose work was defined by a complicated network of social obligations. ââ¬Å" (Gopnik 157). | ââ¬Å"She confined that she would trade in her boyfriend ââ¬Ëfor a sophisticated Japanese robotââ¬â¢ if the robot would produce what she called ââ¬Å"caring environmentâ⬠â⬠¦ I would be happy to produce the illusion that there is somebody really with meâ⬠¦ A responsive robot even exhibited scripted behavior, seemed better to her than he demanding boyfriendâ⬠(Turkle 269). In both passages the authors discuss how technology can be very convenient for us. Gopnik discusses how trains and telegrams make it easier for people to get where they need to and communicate. However, trains brought over crowding to the cities and telegrams created a sense of separation because now peop le did not have to actually go and see each other. Turkle also talks about the convenience that comes with technology. When she was talking to a female that said that she would not mind a robot boyfriend because it would help her not to be lonely but unlike a real one it she would not have to tend to their demands. The real question, I saw was not ââ¬Å"Why this friend? â⬠but, ââ¬Å"Why this fiction? â⬠Why as Olivia had seen so clearly, are grownups in New York so busy, and so obsessed with the language of busyness that it dominants their conversation? â⬠¦ grabbing lunch instead of sitting down and exchanging intimaciesâ⬠( Gopnik 156). | ââ¬Å"Do you care that the turtle is alive?â⬠¦ A ten year old girl told me that she would prefer a robot turtle because aliveness comes with aesthetic inconvenienceâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å"For what the turtles do, you didnââ¬â¢t have to have live ones. â⬠(Turkle 265-266) |Both authors have made assumptions for their essays based on youthââ¬â¢s point of view . Gopnik uses his daughterââ¬â¢s imaginary friend to show how things are in the busy life of a New York. Technology has made New Yorkers so busy that they rather ââ¬Å"talk to the person laterâ⬠instead of sitting down and having actual conversation. Turkle also uses children to explain her point. At the zoo with children she explains how they said that they rather see a mechanical turtle because actual interaction with a turtle is not needed if the fake one can do the same thing.Both of these are examples of how technology is now seen as equal to physical bonding. ââ¬Å"Busyness is felt so intently here because we are both crowded and overloaded. We exit the apartment into a still dense nineteenth century grid of street corners and restaurants of people full of people, and come to a twentieth-century grid of faxes and emails and overwhelming incompletenessâ⬠(Gopnik 158) | ââ¬Å"We build a following on Facebook or Myspace and wo nder to what degree our followers are friendsâ⬠¦ But for most people it begins when one creates a profile on social- networking site or builds a persona or avatar for a game or virtual world. (Turkle 273). | Both authors in these quotes talk about how, how technology has begun today to follow you everywhere and becomes more important to you than anything else. And how we create online networks we become encompassed and like our emails they become our lives. We become overwhelmed because we feel like we must respond to them and we must check our twitter followers.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Paraphilias
Paraphilias is a set of disorders which include intense sexual urges or arousing fantasies that involve inanimate objets, sexual behaviors with non-human objects, and humiliation or suffering of oneââ¬â¢s self or another person. Sexual behaviors could also involve children or a non-consenting adult. While paraphilias is rare, it is far more common among men(about 20 to 1 males to females), however, the reason for this imbalance is not clearly understood. While few of these disorders are related to aggressive behavior, not all of them are harmful or aggressive. Some paraphilias - such as exhibitionism, pedophilia and voyeurism are criminal offences. In the following paragraphs, I will be explaining each of the most common paraphilias, as well as the cause and the treatment. Also, I will be explaining how they are involved in the field of policing. Exhibitionism (commonly male) may consist of masturbating while exposing himself, or possibly while fantasizing about exposing himself. The exhibitionist may be familiar with his need to terrorize, startle, or impress the reluctant bystander. The victim is generally in all cases, a child or a female adult. The outbreak of this disorder is usually in the mid 20's, but occasionally, the first acts will most often take place during adolescence and then carry on into adulthood. It is believed that 30% of the arrested male sex offenders are exhibitionist. About 20 to 50% of all sex offenders are rearrested, which leave them with the highest recidivism rate of all sex offenders. Exhibitionist are usually married, but the marriage is most often tormented by a poor sexual adjustment (constant sexual dysfunction), and poor social adjustments. Sexual abuse and significant childhood encounters may be the cause of exhibitionistic behavior. The treatment involves psychotherapy which is focused on determining and also working though the cause of the behavior. At times, prescribed medic... Free Essays on Paraphilias Free Essays on Paraphilias Paraphilias is a set of disorders which include intense sexual urges or arousing fantasies that involve inanimate objets, sexual behaviors with non-human objects, and humiliation or suffering of oneââ¬â¢s self or another person. Sexual behaviors could also involve children or a non-consenting adult. While paraphilias is rare, it is far more common among men(about 20 to 1 males to females), however, the reason for this imbalance is not clearly understood. While few of these disorders are related to aggressive behavior, not all of them are harmful or aggressive. Some paraphilias - such as exhibitionism, pedophilia and voyeurism are criminal offences. In the following paragraphs, I will be explaining each of the most common paraphilias, as well as the cause and the treatment. Also, I will be explaining how they are involved in the field of policing. Exhibitionism (commonly male) may consist of masturbating while exposing himself, or possibly while fantasizing about exposing himself. The exhibitionist may be familiar with his need to terrorize, startle, or impress the reluctant bystander. The victim is generally in all cases, a child or a female adult. The outbreak of this disorder is usually in the mid 20's, but occasionally, the first acts will most often take place during adolescence and then carry on into adulthood. It is believed that 30% of the arrested male sex offenders are exhibitionist. About 20 to 50% of all sex offenders are rearrested, which leave them with the highest recidivism rate of all sex offenders. Exhibitionist are usually married, but the marriage is most often tormented by a poor sexual adjustment (constant sexual dysfunction), and poor social adjustments. Sexual abuse and significant childhood encounters may be the cause of exhibitionistic behavior. The treatment involves psychotherapy which is focused on determining and also working though the cause of the behavior. At times, prescribed medic...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Development of Womens Rights
The Development of Womens Rights Womenââ¬â¢s rights are probably one of the most frequently discussed issues all over the world. Presence or absence of womenââ¬â¢s rights is appeared to be a strong indicator that helps to comprehend global well-being and humansââ¬â¢ prosperity. Lots of people think that womenââ¬â¢s rights are a burning problem in countries, where religion has certain power.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Development of Womenââ¬â¢s Rights specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More If fact, many Muslim countries, where religion turns out to be law, women face lots of problems and misunderstandings. Rola Dashti is one of the authors, who concentrate on the problems, women of Kuwait face day by day. She underlines that gender inequality and womenââ¬â¢s inability to vote should be analyzed, and certain changes should be made. However, she is not the only author, who tries to pay the readerââ¬â¢s attention to problems any woman may face one day. Betty Friedan created a really magnificent work at the beginning of 1960s. It was The Feminine Mystique, the sparkle of national debates concerning womenââ¬â¢s roles in society. If we talk about the rights of women in the modern world, the works of these very authors should be taken into consideration at first. Rola Dashti clearly explains that in Kuwait, ââ¬Å"the perfect role for women is to stay at home, raise children, take care of the house, and be subservient to their husbands ââ¬â under the false pretence that this is dictated by religious requirements.â⬠(Dashti, 2005) Those women, who do not want to accept these rules, have to be terrorized both socially and psychologically. However, she cannot agree to such distribution of the roles, and she calls upon all people to look again at the situation, connected to womenââ¬â¢s rights, and provide all women with a chance to participate in the political, economical, and other spheres of life f or better and safer future. Betty Friedan points out that this very problem ââ¬Å"has no name stirring in the minds of so many American women today.â⬠(Friedan and Quindlen, 2001, p. 32) Without any doubts, women are victims of not fair system we live in. The point is that women have the only right to realize themselves through their own husbands, children, and homes. With the help of Friedanââ¬â¢s work, we get to know more about the situations, our mothers and grandmothers could face, when they were young, and compare them to those life, modern women live. Of course, differences are noticeable: the women of 1960s got married at the young age and dropped their education in order to make the lives of their husband happier.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The life of women in Kuwait, described by Dashti, is almost the same even nowadays. More than 40 years ago, women st arted their movements in order to prove their rights to participate in the political life of their country, and only in 2005, women in Kuwait got the right to vote. With time, women realize that their lives are incomplete, because they should think about their husbands and children only. Such lives seem to be a bit boring and incorrect. This is why womenââ¬â¢s rights problems are such types of problems, women have to solve independently. Of course, the works by Friedan and Dashti may help a bit to realize the core of the problem and choose the best way to achieve success. If women have enough words to say in order to prove their rights, if they are ready to demonstrate their powers and abilities, they can easily achieve the desirable goals and become free. It is quite possible that free women will get more chances, opportunities, and desire to make the lives of their children, husbands, and their own lives better and happier. Dashti, Rola. ââ¬Å"Can There Be Democracy with Marg inalization?â⬠Bitterlemons-International, 28 Jul. 2005. Web. Friedan, Betty, Quindlen, Anna. The Feminine Mystique. W. W. Norton Co, 2001.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Synchronizing Threads and GUI in a Delphi application
Synchronizing Threads and GUI in a Delphi application Multi-threading in Delphi lets you create applications that include several simultaneous paths of execution. A normal Delphi application is single-threaded, which means all VCL objects access their properties and execute their methods within this single thread. To speed up data processing in your application, include one or more secondary threads. Processor Threads A thread is a communication channel from an application to a processor. Single-threaded programs need communication to flow in both directions (to and from the processor) as it executes; multi-threaded apps can open several different channels, thus speeding up execution. Threads GUI When several threads are running in the application, the question arises of how you can update your graphical user interface as a result of a thread execution. The answer lies in the TThread class Synchronize method. To update your applications user interface, or main thread, from a secondary thread, you need to call the Synchronize method. This technique is a thread-safe method that avoids multi-threading conflicts that can arise from accessing object properties or methods that are not thread-safe, or using resources not in the main thread of execution. Below is an example demo that uses several buttons with progress bars, each progress bar displaying the current state of the thread execution. unit MainU;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;type//interceptor classTButton class(StdCtrls.TButton)OwnedThread: TThread;ProgressBar: TProgressBar;end;TMyThread class(TThread)privateFCounter: Integer;FCountTo: Integer;FProgressBar: TProgressBar;FOwnerButton: TButton;procedure DoProgress;procedure SetCountTo(const Value: Integer) ;procedure SetProgressBar(const Value: TProgressBar) ;procedure SetOwnerButton(const Value: TButton) ;protectedprocedure Execute; override;publicconstructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean) ;property CountTo: Integer read FCountTo write SetCountTo;property ProgressBar: TProgressBar read FProgressBar write SetProgressBar;property OwnerButton: TButton read FOwnerButton write SetOwnerButton;end;TMainForm class(TForm)Button1: TButton;ProgressBar1: TProgressBar;Button2: TButton;ProgressBar2: TProgressBar;Button3: TButton;ProgressBar3: TProgressBar;Button4: TButton;Progress Bar4: TProgressBar;Button5: TButton;ProgressBar5: TProgressBar;procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ;end;varMainForm: TMainForm;implementation{$R *.dfm}{ TMyThread }constructor TMyThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean) ;begininherited;FCounter : 0;FCountTo : MAXINT;end;procedure TMyThread.DoProgress;varPctDone: Extended;beginPctDone : (FCounter / FCountTo) ;FProgressBar.Position : Round(FProgressBar.Step * PctDone) ;FOwnerButton.Caption : FormatFloat(0.00 %, PctDone * 100) ;end;procedure TMyThread.Execute;constInterval 1000000;beginFreeOnTerminate : True;FProgressBar.Max : FCountTo div Interval;FProgressBar.Step : FProgressBar.Max;while FCounter FCountTo dobeginif FCounter mod Interval 0 then Synchronize(DoProgress) ;Inc(FCounter) ;end;FOwnerButton.Caption : Start;FOwnerButton.OwnedThread : nil;FProgressBar.Position : FProgressBar.Max;end;procedure TMyThread.SetCountTo(const Value: Integer) ;beginFCountTo : Value;end;procedure TMyThread.SetOwnerButton(const Value: TButton) ;b eginFOwnerButton : Value;end;procedure TMyThread.SetProgressBar(const Value: TProgressBar) ;beginFProgressBar : Value;end;procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ;varaButton: TButton;aThread: TMyThread;aProgressBar: TProgressBar;beginaButton : TButton(Sender) ;if not Assigned(aButton.OwnedThread) thenbeginaThread : TMyThread.Create(True) ;aButton.OwnedThread : aThread;aProgressBar : TProgressBar(FindComponent(StringReplace(aButton.Name, Button, ProgressBar, []))) ;aThread.ProgressBar : aProgressBar;aThread.OwnerButton : aButton;aThread.Resume;aButton.Caption : Pause;endelsebeginif aButton.OwnedThread.Suspended thenaButton.OwnedThread.ResumeelseaButton.OwnedThread.Suspend;aButton.Caption : Run;end;end;end. Thanks to Jens Borrisholt for submitting this code sample.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Select an organisation in the U.K. and critically assess the Essay
Select an organisation in the U.K. and critically assess the operational methods and strategies adopted to provide satisfactory products (or services) to custom - Essay Example The Department which I was involved in was the procurement department. The Purpose of this department was to ensure that there were adequate products in the store to fulfil customer requirements at that time. The role of the procurement section was to act as an intermediary between the process of selling and suppliers who dealt with the store. This department has to ascertain that there was back up stock in case there were any eventualities that occurred in the supply chain. Besides this, it also has to guard against overstocking. This is because of the fact that too much of a certain item could cause losses to the organisation. Their function contributes to customer satisfaction because the department ensures that customers get what they want whenever they want. (Tesco, 2007) The organisation has two categories of customers' i.e. external customers and internal customers. Slack et al (2007) describes internal customers as those who are found within the organisation. These are the various sections in the organisation that deal with the department under consideration. This comes from the concept of treating other parts of the organisation as separate entities or organisations. This means that the organisation ought to communicate effectively with its internal customers to maximise productivity. Some of the internal customers which the procurement section of Tesco has to deal include; accounting department, supplying department, personnel department, financial department. These internal customers will be examined in detail below; Marketing as an internal customer is one of the most crucial departments in Tesco. Their main objective is to promote and increase sales for Tesco. Basically, they are supposed to attract customers and come up with strategies that will keep them coming back. The marketing section expected four things from output in the organisation The numbers of products or services present are sufficient to satisfy consumer's demands i.e. should not be below optimum That products are available on time and customers do not have to wait for long periods of time before they can access them The type of products displayed is of reasonable quality i.e. they are in good condition The way products are displayed is attractive for consumers If the operation section of Tesco can fulfil all the above requirements, then marketers can coordinate between promotions and service delivery. (Ruffian et al 2000) It is quite essential for marketers to advertise only hat the Company can deliver otherwise their tasks will be rendered ineffective. The next internal customer with reference to output is the personnel section. This department deals with the coordination of human resource with the main aim of ensuring that all people in the organisation perform to their maximum level. This will therefore lead to achievement of the organisation's goals and objectives. The personnel section expects that output is sufficient in terms of quality and quantity. Their function is to ensure that everyone is performing and this also applies to the output section. (Tesco, 2007) The financial department or accounting section is another area that depends on the output sectio
Friday, October 18, 2019
A Culture That Supports Financial Acumen Part II Assignment
A Culture That Supports Financial Acumen Part II - Assignment Example by equipping all employees with basic skills in financial profitability, it is easier to expect that the actions of all these people will be focused on the achievement of the financial goals of the organization. Today, there is a new trend with cross-functional team work, which requires that all employees work together as a team. This however cannot be possible when financial acumen is not part of the skills of all employees (Brigham & Houston, 2013). I admire your post for a lot of things but more importantly is the fact that you stressed on the need to make financial acumen everybodyââ¬â¢s business at the workplace. Indeed several organizations have failed to experience the full benefits of financial acumen because the whole concept has been made to center round only a few people. Because of lack of understanding for the concept, it is always difficult to get the support of others in implementing strategies that foster financial growth (Brigham & Houston, 2013). Based on personal experience, I realize that some other ways in which organizations can make financial acumen work from a collective perspective is by promoting cross-functional roles. Such roles will ensure that those in departments not directly related to finance will have a means of working with the financial experts. By so doing, the transfer of knowledge from those high on financial acumen can easily go down to those low on financial
English home 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
English home 6 - Essay Example The government can decide how and where these young ones could be properly safeguarded during the day because their parents are busy at work and would like no hindrance at all as far as their work manifestations are related (Lamb, 1992). One should believe that the government has a clear cut role under such a setting because it is the government itself which can facilitate things as and when they come (Bower, 2000). The child day care centers would convince the parents that their young ones would be taken care of properly and that they do not have to worry at all. If the government wants, it can bring about some form of sanity within the related ranks and this will eventually ensure that the parents know that the government cares about them in the fact that these child day care centers have been formed which shall make their lives easier at the end of the day (Gormley Jr., 1995). However what seems as a missing link here is the fact that a number of parents are unaware of these child day care centers in the first place. Then again it is the responsibility of the government to make sure that the parents know how they can be assisted and what needs to be done to guarantee success in entirety (Moen, 1990). Since the working parents are essentially facilitating the work domains of the government itself, it is of paramount importance to know that these child day care centers are there to take care of the weaknesses which come about within the relationships that working parents do have with their children. However these strained relationships are not entirely of their own making and come up because there is the reality of work that has to be done by these parents (Henderson, 1995). Someone needs to take charge of these young ones and the child day care centers seem to be the perfect fit. If these are not present in the first place, it would be significant to realize that having them will solve quite a few problems which are there or might even crop up in the coming t imes. The gratification element comes in within the equation here as the working parents have to be given the rights that they richly deserve (Cohen, 2001). This is in the form of the child day care centers which should be opened up to take care of the problems that working parents might face in the coming times. The child day care centers exist to serve those working parents who are unable to take care of their children as and when required. However this does not give them the leeway to make use of these child day care centers even on weekly holidays and in vacations. The role of the government is an important one because it sets the exact manner under which success for the working parents could be envisaged and the same can be further bolstered with funding from the domains of the government for the long term success of the problem at hand (Auerbach, 1988). How this issue will be tackled is something that the government must address because it safeguards the rights and interests o f the commoners and especially the working class. The working parents are indeed no exception and should be given the room to exploit their skills and resources without thinking of their own family domains (Zinsmeister, 1998). All said and done, the role of the government will remain no matter what kinds of steps are taken within the building up of these child day
Exploring and learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Exploring and learning - Essay Example There are also some students who take a strategic approach, where they intend to maximize their chances of getting high marks. In todayââ¬â¢s intellectual world, the three approaches of learning namely; deep, surface and strategic have become very popular. The surfacing issue therefore emerges on which of the three learning approaches is the most effective. This raises a very highly debatable issue. While some learners adopt a deep approach as noted by Morgan (1993), others prefer a surface approach when engaging in their studies. This paper seeks to critically analyze the three approaches of learning; deep, surface and strategic. Further, it will seek to examine how the chosen approach of learning affects the performance of a student. Marton and Saljo are the scholars behind the theory of deep and surface approaches to learning. They wrote a scholarly paper describing the varied manner in which learners approached learning in the academic sector. This studied was in the psycholog y department which at that time was quite unusual. This is because by default, they would have set up an artificial laboratory experiment for purposes of isolating one element from the other. Instead, Marton and Saljo sought to engage university students and their habitual behavior during learning. The students were required to read an article and thereafter answer questions based on the same. The study revealed that to some learners, the text was perceived as information with such discrete units meant to be memorized (Stanger-Hall, 2012, 294). The memorization was meant to help to answer the questions that would follow. The two scholars referred to this as the surface approach. On the other hand, some students perceived the text as one containing structured meaning. They were eager to discover the meaning of the article, its implications and the impact it had on them. They termed this as the deep approach. It follows that learners who engage in the deep approach had a better unders tanding of the article and were therefore able to answer a variety of question deciphered from it. In addition, they were in a better position to remember the content effectively compared to the others. Subsequent researches after this study have shown that there are different approaches to learning that students engage in while undertaking their academic tasks. A surface approach to learning can be defined as the result of low cognitive level engagement which yields to fragmented outcomes that do not translate to understanding or meaning. This process takes place when the learner takes in information ââ¬Ëby heartââ¬â¢, but is in the least interested in engaging with the meaning of what s/he has taken. When taking this approach, the learnerââ¬â¢s motive lies in only carrying out the task (Lauriland, 2003,47). This is due to some either positive or negative pressure/consequence. Negative in that if s/he fails, it is bound to affect his life in a not so pleasant way and posit ive in that if s/he passes, he will be favored by the teacher/instructor. Rote learning is a surface strategy whereby the learner focuses on what s/he perceives as the most important information and embarks on memorization of the same. Since the intention is as earlier noted to pass a test or exam, the learner finds not interconnections found in what is being learnt between meanings implications of the same. Surface learning is
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Does God Exist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Does God Exist - Essay Example However, many philosophers came up with their own proofs for the existence of God, some of which are outlined in this paper. Rene Descartes holds a special place in the history of philosophy since he is known as the father of modern philosophy. His own proof for the existence of God is given when he starts doubting everything including his own existence. However, since he is aware of his existence, he knows he actually exists which gives us the axiom ââ¬Å"I think therefore I amâ⬠. He then gives further proofs for the existence of his senses and uses that to show that a benevolent God must be present which allows him to have faith in the reality around him (Wikipedia, 2006). In effect, the proof given by Descartes stems from the fact that his ability of reasoning means that a God must exist (Jones, 2003). In relation to Descartes, Immanuel Kant took a slightly different approach to come to his own rationale for the existence of God. Since his philosophy was focused on the moral principles of life, he uses that to show the necessity of God. His argument is that morality is a rational system which can only exist with a moral order within the world. This moral order can only be created and conceived if there is a God present to guide us therefore, the presence of God is necessary for us (Byrne, 2004). Kant also gave an additional proof for the existence of God based on his philosophy of morality by saying that it is rational as well as morally important for us to attain happiness which comes from being virtuous and whatever we ought to attain should be possible. However, attaining this happiness would only be possible if a natural order was maintained and that can only be maintained if God is responsible for it (Byrne, 2004). It is clear that both the arguments presented form their basis on a person agreeing with Kantââ¬â¢s own philosophy of ethics
Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Portfolio - Essay Example There were attempts by the government to inform and educate the people of the US in a totally different manner and the government wanted to introduce new measures and policies when it came to the economic and financial bases. There were changes all over, not only in economics but also in terms of politics and infrastructural developments. All these things accounted for the modifications which actually took place during the period of Renaissance after the year 1989. The reason why Americans experienced such a period is due to the fact that the leaders of the country wanted it to happen and they wanted the people to know that a lot of different measures and steps which were taken by that time were for their own betterment and good. People started to experience life in a different way altogether and thus changes were experienced left, right and center. All said and done, this Renaissance experience was for the positive side of the Americans and there was nothing to worry about as far as the people of the United States are concerned. Realism can make the humanity realize the importance of having a grasp of the global regimes which are working day and night to make a difference, no matter in whichever capacity they are functional. This suggests the fact that realism has a say or two in the global contexts and hence has a direct bearing on the subject of globalization so to speak. Realism brings to light the salient aspects related with world politics which directly or for that matter indirectly comes under the globalization module and thus a strong linkage is made apparent between the very two. Without a doubt, the world economy has grown in recent decades. So much so, that the pundits have said something good about it. International trade is something that is attributed to this upheaval. It has formed the motivating factor behind the very same. Developing countries have also stepped on to the bandwagon and are thus bringing in
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Does God Exist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Does God Exist - Essay Example However, many philosophers came up with their own proofs for the existence of God, some of which are outlined in this paper. Rene Descartes holds a special place in the history of philosophy since he is known as the father of modern philosophy. His own proof for the existence of God is given when he starts doubting everything including his own existence. However, since he is aware of his existence, he knows he actually exists which gives us the axiom ââ¬Å"I think therefore I amâ⬠. He then gives further proofs for the existence of his senses and uses that to show that a benevolent God must be present which allows him to have faith in the reality around him (Wikipedia, 2006). In effect, the proof given by Descartes stems from the fact that his ability of reasoning means that a God must exist (Jones, 2003). In relation to Descartes, Immanuel Kant took a slightly different approach to come to his own rationale for the existence of God. Since his philosophy was focused on the moral principles of life, he uses that to show the necessity of God. His argument is that morality is a rational system which can only exist with a moral order within the world. This moral order can only be created and conceived if there is a God present to guide us therefore, the presence of God is necessary for us (Byrne, 2004). Kant also gave an additional proof for the existence of God based on his philosophy of morality by saying that it is rational as well as morally important for us to attain happiness which comes from being virtuous and whatever we ought to attain should be possible. However, attaining this happiness would only be possible if a natural order was maintained and that can only be maintained if God is responsible for it (Byrne, 2004). It is clear that both the arguments presented form their basis on a person agreeing with Kantââ¬â¢s own philosophy of ethics
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Definitions of Property in English Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Definitions of Property in English Law - Essay Example For instance, the Law of Property Act 1925 classifies property in terms of real and personal property, rather than defining it1. Therefore, the most common definition of property is derived from the case laws that emphasize the rights owned or enjoyed by a person that owns the property. This is the position in the holding of National Westminster Bank v. Ainsworth, where the House of Lords held that the right to a property must be definable, identifiable by third parties, capable in its assumption by third parties as well as have a certain level of degree of permanence or stability.2 This implies that property entails the idea of possession and control of particular rights by an individual. In England, there property may be defined into either private or public property. However, the common position is that property may be defined into the rights of a person with respect to a thing. In common law, which is practiced in England, this may be rights over real property, which is land, as well as personal property, which refers to the chattels. Within this classification, there may be the real property, which refers to the corporeal hereditaments that are the tangible real property and the incorporeal hereditaments that are intangible. The personal property on the other hand refers to any property that is tangible or intangible but excludes land3. One can only obtain the personal property through possession of a property interest on the property that excludes others. Similarly, the property may be obtained when an owner involuntarily parts possession of it through loss or abandoning it. The person to whom the property is transferred may also obtain it through confusion and accession as well as bailment. A person may also acquire the personal property as a bona fide purchaser for value.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Occupational Health And Safety Impact in Construction
Occupational Health And Safety Impact in Construction The main aim of the research is to study the impact of occupational health and safety in construction industry. It will also aim at identifying the attitude of construction organisations as well as employees towards occupational health and safety in India. To support the research, survey questionnaire and a telephone interview was conducted. It helped it achieving objectives of the research. The construction industry is a very dangerous industry. The performance of the industry in occupational health and safety is very poor. The standard of occupational health and safety is even worse in developing countries. In Indian construction industry OHS has never been given prime importance. Even though in India construction industry is significantly booming, there are no proper initiatives undertaken by the government to implement OHS rules and regulations. There are several initiatives taken by Government of India but they are still in their initial stages and need to be enforced. The employers are concerned about completion of project rather than focussing on improving OHS of their employees. The industry has larger number of small and medium size firms and very few numbers of larger firms. Smaller firms lack resources to comply with proper OHS procedures. The workers are not provided with proper training and information about occupational health and safety hazards. Lack of awareness on OHS, sub-contracting system, use of traditional methods in construction, lack of proper personal protective equipments, low wages and labour-driven industry are some of the important factors that have their impact on occupational health and safety in Indian construction. CHAPTER I Introduction and background study 1.0 Introduction The construction industry in developing as well as developed countries is one of the most significant industries in relation to the contribution to the GDP (Rantanen et al., 2004). Also it is having a significant impact on the health and safety of the people working in it. According to Haupt as cited in Rowlinson (2004), the construction industry has a poor record in relation to the health and safety of its worker. It is a known fact that workplace accidents are linked basically with unsafe behaviour. There is a positive correlation between safety climate on construction sites and workers safe behaviour. The attitudes of workers on construction sites toward health and safety are widely influenced by their perception towards risk, health and safety rules and procedures; management (Mohamed and Ali, 2005). According to Larcher and Sohail (1999), occupational health and safety is a highly important area of concern in developing countries where Acts related to safety rarely exist with we ak regulatory authorities that finds it difficult to implement it effectively. Also awareness towards occupational hazards is not at all or rarely perceived. The other factors that affect occupational health and safety in developing countries are lack of statutory regulations and legislations to protect workers in construction sector, standards maintained in corporate and government systems are low, inadequate infrastructure and high labour intensity (Mohamed and Ali, 2005). Every year hundreds of accidents take place on construction sites resulting in severe injuries or even deaths. It is matter of concern that the same type of work related deaths, injuries and illnesses occur in the construction industries all over the world. The working life of construction workers is curtailed by several years due to the exposure to occupational health and safety hazards. The process of construction involves many hazardous activities such as working at height, manual handling, exposure to hazardous materials, frame erection, lifting operations, scaffolding, demolition works and groundworks. Falls and manual handlings are the important risks associated with injuries and long term disability in the construction industry (Gillen et al.1997). 1.1 Background study According to study conducted by Holmes et al., (1999), that the occupational health and safety risks are mainly related to the nature of work, low standard of individual work practices, lack of knowledge, work pressure due to cost and time constraints. Rechenthin (2004) stated that, for a construction company to be consistently profitable, all its project must complete on time and within budget. But at the same time due to the nature of the high risk works undertaken by the construction companies results in high accident rates. Eakins (1992) stated that international research confirms that as compared to larger construction firms, smaller firms are poor in the implementation of occupational health and safety programmes. Henceforth, the rate of occupational injury is inversely proportional with the size of the organisation, i.e. smaller firm having higher injury frequency rates (McVitte et al. 1997). As per Lingard and Rowlinson (2005), the construction industry consists of several SMEs and small amount of large firms. These small and medium size firms lack professional occupational health and safety advisors in staff. They also lack knowledge and resources required to implement occupational health and safety management activities for example: training, performing risk assessments, routine inspections and audits. Moreover the expense due to involvement of expensive occupational health and safety advice and services may be considered as unnecessary. Due to high competitive construction industry with cost cutting pressures, the priorities related to occupational health and safety is likely to be low with small size construction firms. According to Rantanen et al., (2004), nearly 2.4 billion people in the developing countries have to bear employment conditions, that dont even meet the basic occupational health and safety standards. Furthermore due to lack of work safety, excessive amount of work pressures, exposure to occupational physical, biological and chemical environment results to occupational diseases and injuries to an extent of 1.2 million fatalities per year. 1.2 Rationale for Research This research studies the attitude of organisations in India, a developing country towards occupational health and safety. As per report of The Economic Times as cited in (Shenoy et al., 2000), size of the Indian construction industry is more than USD 25 billion. Due to large investment made in roads, railways, nuclear and other infrastructure areas, the construction sector of India is witnessing a high growth. After agriculture sector, construction sector is the largest employer in India, with more than 18 million people employed in it. In spite of all these advancement, the construction sector is still dependant largely on labour intensive operations as they are easily available at low cost. Also occupational health and safety of people working in construction are not given due attention by the organisations (Shenoy et al., 2005). According to a report published by Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) India (2010), safety in the construction industry is a matter of conc ern all over the world. With an unorganised workforce, issues related to construction safety become the most vulnerable segment in India. With 18 million people employed in the construction sector within India, the issues related to safety are considerably important. The industry is highly labour intensive with a large amount of workers exposed to the risks of occupational health and workplace safety problems. In construction industry the fatal accidents rate is comparatively four to five times higher than the manufacturing sector. In India 165 per 1,000 workers get injured while working on construction sites. Further the report states that the workers are exposed to several hazardous substances having the potential to cause serious occupational health diseases such as asbestosis, silicosis, poisoning etc. According to International Labour Organisation (2005), the rate of accident among industrial workers is highest with 4 per 1000 and the major contributor for this is the construction industry. International Labour Organisation (2005) report also estimated the number of deaths in India due to accidents at work as 40,000 in 2001 and 2,62,000 dying from work related diseases. Thus if construction is held responsible for one sixth of the total, then the death of the Indian construction workers can be estimated up to 60,000 each year. According to Damodaran (2006) ââ¬Ësafety in construction is in the bottom of list of priorities of builders, contractors and engineers. While the monetary loss heads the list, loss of man-hours and material progress are equally irreparable when scaffolding fails, a roof collapses or a fatal accident takes place at site of work, the human life is irreplaceable. The construction companies in India have experienced that when a worker loses his life due to an accident on the site, there is a sudden downturn in the morale of the working force. It affects the spirit of working and the progress of work. It is only after some accidents takes place, the company begins to take safeguards. As labour is very cheap and unorganised, having little or no knowledge of their rights, the companies find it convenient as well as profitable using manpower rather than machineries. Though getting a job in the construction industry helps poor labours to get out of poverty, due to presence of high occupati onal health and safety risk it can drive them back into insolvency. 1.3 Research aim and objectives 1.3.1 Aim of the research The aim of this research is to study the impact of occupational health and safety in construction industry, whilst exploring the attitude of organisations and employees toward occupational health and safety in Indian construction industry. 1.3.2 Objectives The above mentioned aim will be achieved with the help of the following objectives: 1. To explore the issues impacting health and safety with the focus on occupational health and safety in the construction industry. 2. To investigate occupational health and safety hazards and its impact in construction industry 3. To investigate the implementation of occupational health and safety in the Indian construction industry whilst; Exploring the attitude of employees and construction organisations toward occupational health and safety in India. Investigating the impact of existing occupational health and safety rules and regulations on the Indian construction industry. 1.4 Research methodology Figure 1.1 Details of research methodology The adopted research methodology will be divided into primary and secondary research. In primary research, questionnaires survey and a telephone will be conducted. This will help in understanding and identifying the perception of the management and the employees toward occupational health and safety in Indian construction industry. In secondary research, literature review will be carried out in order to understand the factors affecting occupational health and safety such organisational culture, climate and government policies. It will also help in identifying different occupational health and safety hazards and its effect on construction projects. 1.4.1 Primary research Primary research such as questionnaires survey and telephone interview will help in achieving the main objectives of the research. Data will be collected from clients, contractors, managers, site engineers and supervisors who play an important role in the construction industry. The data collected through the telephone interview will help in supporting the findings from survey questionnaire. 1.4.2 Secondary research Secondary research will be carried out through literature review. The data will be collected through electronic databases, journals, websites, magazines, books and conference papers. These data will help in identifying the issues and factors influencing occupational health and safety in the construction industry. 1.5 Limitations of the research The most significant limitation to this research is the time constraint. Due to limited availability of time, the research cannot be conducted in depth. Provided more time, it could be possible to visit India and collect more data available on occupational health and safety in the Indian construction industry. As the research is carried out from United Kingdom, the collection of secondary data is limited to the information available on websites. Limited research has been carried out in India related to occupational health and safety in the construction industry. As such, there is less availability of data to support this research. The other constraints can be that some companies may not be reluctant in providing the right information. During telephone interview there may be possibilities that the interviewee give diplomatic or misleading answers. Also the size of the company can influence the answers of the interviewee. Also the answers provided by the respondents may be influenced by the size and location of the company. 1.6 Structure of dissertation The dissertation will be divided into various chapters. Chapter 2, 3 and 4 will be part of literature review. An overview of the chapters included in this research thesis is as shown below. Chapter 1 ââ¬â Background study and rationale for research This chapter will provide an overall of overview of the research. It will consist of background study, aim and objectives and also the rationale for the research. It will also give an overview of the research methodology to be conducted in order achieve the desired aim and objectives. Chapter 2 ââ¬â Factors affecting health and safety on construction sites This chapter narrates the factors influencing health and safety on construction such as sub-contracting systems, organisations structure, size, location, personnel and incentive factors. Chapter 3 ââ¬â Introduction to OHS and detail description of OHS hazards This chapter will provide detail description of occupational health and safety including safety culture, human behaviours and different OHS hazards. Chapter 4 ââ¬â OHS in the Indian construction industry This chapter will investigate the current scenario of OHS in the Indian construction industry. It will also explore the government rules and regulations related to OHS and their influence on the construction industry. Chapter 5 ââ¬â Research methodology This chapter will provide a brief outline of the different research methods available and the adopted research methodology. Chapter 6 ââ¬â Analysis and interpretation of the survey This chapter will include analysis of data collected through questionnaires survey and the telephone interview with help of charts, figures and tables. Chapter 7 ââ¬â Conclusion and recommendations This chapter will include the summary of the research findings as well as recommendations related to the research.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
stats Essay -- essays research papers
INTRODUCTION There are two distinct variables that will be analyzed in this paper. These variables were taken from 20 industries and 140 subindustries in the United States. The first variable to be studied is the Industry group. The industry group variable consists of numbers from 1 to 20 to denote the industry group to which the particular sub industry belongs. The second variable to be studied is the Number of Production Workers. Along with the Number of Production workers, the number of employees are in units of 1000.Through this paper, Statistical analyses such as methodology, tables, figures, formulas, and results will be presented. In summarizing these variables, descriptive measures and graphics will be used. METHODOLOGY Along with data from the 3rd edition of Business Statistics by Ken Black(2001) on page 11, supplementary data found on the CD-ROM enclosed was also used in this study. Frequency Distribution The raw data, on the industry group, from the financial database was organized into grouped data or a frequency distribution. Class intervals were made and the data was distributed according to what class interval it was in. After the frequency distribution was created a histogram, created in Microsoft Excel, was used to display the data graphically. A pie chart was also used to show the percentage of the different industry groups. ABSTRACT A financial database, gathered from Moodyââ¬â¢s Handbook of Common Stocks was contained on a compact disc in the Black (2001). ...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Autism :: essays research papers
These kids are blessed with terrific good looks--tall and straight, with big dark eyes, glossy hair and a movie staffs smile-but this wasnââ¬â¢t what was turning heads. Some of these kids were not actually walking towards the line at McDonalds; some were running and somehow skipping at the same time. And the kids were looking and smiling directly at everyone they passed with their fingers in their ears, their elbows flared out on either side. And, further baffling the bourgeoisie, they occasionally stopped and flapped their hands. I was all too aware of the faces of the people we passed. Some smiled, even laughed appreciatively, at their obvious joy at McDonalds. Some nodded to me sadly and knowingly: "Ah, I know how hard their lives are," they seemed to say. Some flinched in exaggerated horror as though from some ghastly space alien from Warner Brothers. Others were cool, spotted them far off and pretended not to see them when they passed. Still others were so used to s uch surpassing weirdness that our little show came nowhere near their threshold of surprise. One reaction, however, was more puzzling to me than all the others. I have come to think of it as "The Look." The passerby's face becomes still and thoughtful. The eyes become narrow, like those of the cunning psychiatrist in an old movie when he asks a patient what the inkblots look like. A hand goes up to the lips and, shifting into field anthropologist mode, the eyewitness stops and stares and nods silently as though making a mental note to write this one down in the journal. It's a locked-on-target look. A piano falling onto the pavement nearby wouldn't jar the stunning logical processes at work. Having been upset by ââ¬Å"The Lookâ⬠about a thousand times, and being something of an amateur field anthropologist myself, I have often asked this question: "Why do these people act this way?" The best answers that I have been able to come up with are these: (a) They are heartless and rude and should be tortured in some hideous way for upsetting a really nice teacher. (b) They are ignorant and think that humans come in solidly "normal" and "abnormal" forms and have no doubt about what kind they themselves are. (c) They saw the movie "Rain Man" and are now experts on autism. (d) They are fearful and are trying to achieve distance from a scary sight by trying to regard it as a rare scientific phenomenon.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Imagery in the plays Oedipus Rex and Othello Essay
In any literature, themes and images play an important role in the readerââ¬â¢s understanding of what the literature would be discussing. Some images and symbols have universal meanings and these help readers relate the meaning of these images with the theme of a specific literature (Blue 2001). In many known literature, images and symbols are known to be the central theme of the story. The plays Othello and Oedipus Rex evidently make use of recurring images to reveal the central theme of the play. Oedipus Rex reveals blindness as a recurring symbol throughout the play. Usually, the Greeks associate clear vision to wisdom and insight (SparkNotes Editors. ). But in the story of Oedipus Rex, blindness is the main reference to the theme of the play. The image of blindness is famously associated to the scene when Oedipus blinds himself at the end of the play. The reason why he blinded himself is revealed in the lines: ââ¬Å"You, youââ¬â¢ll see no more the pain I suffered, all the pain I caused! Too long you looked on the ones you never should have seen, blind to the ones you longed to see, to know! Blind from this hour on! Blind in the darkness-blind! â⬠(ââ¬Å"Showsâ⬠). It is through these lines of Oedipus that readers see that the reason he blinded himself is because his eyes served primarily as the one that deceived him from all the truth about his past. This blindness could also mean his blindness from the truth for so long (ââ¬Å"Novel Guideâ⬠). Though blindness is often associated with the character of Oedipus, there is also another character to whom the image of blindness is depicted. This is seen through the character of Tiresias, a blind prophet. Though Tiresias is literally blind, he could see farther than others can (SparkNotes Editors). He is said to see beyond what others can see because even though he is blind he sees the truth about Oedipus. But Oedipus does not believe Tiresias and Tiresias reveals to Oedipus what he knows about his past: ââ¬Å"So, you mock my blindness? Let me tell you this. You with your precious eyes, youââ¬â¢re blind to the corruption of your life, to the house you live in, those you live with-who are your parents? Do you know? All unknowing you are the scourge of your own flesh and blood, the dead below the earth and the living here above, and the double lash of your mother and your fatherââ¬â¢s curse will whip you from this land one day, their footfall treading you down in terror, darkness shrouding your eyes that now can see the light! â⬠(ââ¬Å"Novel Guideâ⬠). These lines of Tiresias show that even though he is physically blind, he sees the truth, unlike Oedipus though he sees ââ¬Å"lightâ⬠he is blinded by the darkness that surrounds the truth about his identity. The image of darkness and blindness as opposed to sight and light could be seen through Oedipus and Tiresias. Literally, the prophet Tiresias is blind and has been seeing the dark for so long, but though he is blind he ââ¬Å"seesâ⬠the truth about the true identity of Oedipus (ââ¬Å"GradeSaverâ⬠). As for Oedipus, he only truly ââ¬Å"seesâ⬠or gains sight after knowing the truth about his past (ââ¬Å"GradeSaverâ⬠). This enlightenment leaves Oedipus to blind himself because he could not face his family after knowing all about his past (ââ¬Å"Study Guides and Teacher Resourcesâ⬠). Therefore the person that before sees the light now sees darkness because he was blinded by the truth. The recurring images of darkness and blindness are used in the play not only for the development of the readersââ¬â¢ understanding of the play, but also as a means of foreshadowing the tragedy that is about to come to Oedipusââ¬â¢s life because of his ââ¬Å"blindnessâ⬠to the truth which ironically in the end, results to his physical blindness. Truly, these images served a high purpose in letting the readers figure out the fundamental idea that is depicted throughout the play. The play Oedipus Rex makes use of the recurring images of blindness and darkness and light and sight and reveals that the theme of the whole story revolves around these images. The main theme is focused on one image that is used in this play, and that is blindness. This blindness does not necessarily mean physical blindness, rather it means being blind and ignoring the truth (SparkNotes Editors). This is seen through the blindness of Oedipus of the truth that he was the one who killed his own father, married his own mother and had a child that eventually became his siblings. He blinds himself from all these truths and pretends that he does not recognize what that has already been presented to him by the prophet Tiresias (SparkNotes Editors). This willingness of Oedipus to accept the awful truth about his past is the playââ¬â¢s overall theme. The recurring images of blindness shown by the characters and the exchange of lines among the characters served as a connection for readers to figure out the theme of the play. Aside from Oedipus Rex, Othello is another play that makes use of recurring images to let the readers immediately know its overall theme. Othello makes use of animals and monsters as images and metaphors to convey further understanding of the play. Animals are usually used by the characters in the play to compare their feelings and their views about a person or a situation. Monsters or beastly images are usually used in Iagoââ¬â¢s speeches. In one line, he enrages Brabantio when he says that his ââ¬Å"daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs. â⬠Iago makes use of the monster imagery of fornication to let Brabantio arouse his feeling of anger (Laymopun). It could be seen here that the use of the image of a beast to compare with a human being could bring about a strong emotional response from the other characters in the play and makes it more effective. Another use of monster or beastly image by Iago is seen in his soliloquy: ââ¬Å"It is engendered. Hell and night / Must bring this monstrous birth to the worldââ¬â¢s light. â⬠Here, the image of giving birth to a monster is used as a metaphor to portray the birth of Iagoââ¬â¢s evil plot (Laymopun). Here, it could be seen that the use of the image of a monster or a beast is associated with being evil; in this case, the evil becoming of Iago. Not only do monsters and beastly images appear in Othello, animal images are also used by the characters. Othello is the one that makes more use of animal imagery. Some of his lines such as: ââ¬Å"exchange me for a goat,â⬠and ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢d rather be a toad! â⬠evidently makes use of animals such as goat and toad to say that he despises the act of being jealous (ââ¬Å"Example Essaysâ⬠). He also makes use of these animals as imagery when he was convinced that his wife was unfaithful. Being convinced that his wife was really unfaithful he loses control, saying: ââ¬Å"goats and monkeysâ⬠(123HelpMe. com). Othello made use of the animals such as goats and monkeys because traditionally these animals are considered lustful (123HelpMe. com). Here, it can be seen that Othello made use of such animals to compare his wife to these animals and to show how he sees his wife and how he views things, especially jealousy. It is not only Othello that makes use of animal imagery, Iago also made use of such animal images to address Othello. In one part, Iago addresses Othello as ââ¬Å"Barbary horseâ⬠and ââ¬Å"old black ramâ⬠(SparkNotes Editors). Here, Iago makes use of animals to reflect how he sees Othello. Specifically, the ââ¬Å"old black ramâ⬠does not only compare to Othello but is also one of the themes that is dominant in this play, that is, race (SparkNotes Editors). In the line ââ¬Å"old black ramâ⬠, it is specified that Othello is black and Iago makes sure to include the ââ¬Å"blackâ⬠to the animal image to see which race Othello belongs to. It is through this that the relationship of the images with the theme of the play could be clearly seen. The theme of Othello could clearly be seen and understood through the use of animal and monster images. The use of the image of monsters imply that the fundamental idea that this play is presenting is the evil side of a person. This could be concluded because Iago often makes use of the monster or beastly image to refer to an act that is evil. It could also be seen that most animal images are used to refer to something negative. The idea of jealousy, infidelity, and corruption creates a negative and an evil atmosphere which shows the fundamental theme of the play (ââ¬Å"GradeSaverâ⬠). Aside from the evil theme seen through animal and monster imagery, race is also another theme discussed in this play. It is mentioned earlier that Iagoââ¬â¢s address to Othello as an ââ¬Å"old black ramâ⬠shows not only the imagery of an animal but also how race was an issue in this play. It shows the contrast between the blacks and the whites through the character of Othello and that of the Venetian society (123HelpMe. com). Aside from the animal imagery of Othello as ââ¬Å"an old black ramâ⬠, he is also referred to as ââ¬Å"far more fair than blackâ⬠. Both shows how Othello is always viewed with reference to the color of his skin and that even though he holds the position of a general, it still could not be ignored that he is black and the color of his skin still makes him an outcast in the Venetian society dominated by whites (123HelpMe. com). Here, the theme of race and the issue between the blacks and the whites, are clearly presented by using animal images. The use of animal and monstrous imagery by Shakespeare makes an impact on the audience by making them recognize the fundamental idea and the tragedy that Iago faces all because of his treachery. The use of imagery to portray the themes evil and race makes it easier for readers to make meaning out of the play Othello. An image in literature is best described as a mere representation of something that is not present (ââ¬Å"Answers. comâ⬠). Images are used in literature to present a clear description or portrayal of a character and or a situation (ââ¬Å"Answers. comâ⬠). In both plays, recurring images are seen and these images served as an instrument of figuring out the main focus of the entire play. Both Oedipus Rex and Othello make use of images that make it easier for audience and readers alike to explore their fundamental themes. The images used in both plays serve an essential purpose for the readersââ¬â¢ concept development and understanding of the plays. In Oedipus Rex, the image of darkness and blindness as opposed to sight and light is dominantly seen because of the representation of the blind prophet Tiresias who embodies not only blindness but also sight because even though he is physically blind, he ââ¬Å"seesâ⬠the truth unlike Oedipus who is physically able to see but is blind about the truth of his past. In Othello, animal and monster or beast images are used so that readers and audience would be able not only to see but also feel its evil atmosphere. Not only do these images portray evil but also the issue the issue between the blacks and the whites. The use of images of animals as compared to persons and to the emotions that the characters have in the play makes it effective not only in addressing its theme but also in letting readers and audiences feel the atmosphere of the play. It is only right to conclude that the images used in both Oedipus Rex and Othello play an important role in the understanding of the theme of the plays. Looking at the relationship of the images and the theme of both plays, it could be said that images play an essential role in forming meaning by the readers. This could be supported by both the plays discussed because of how each image was rendered useful to the formation of meaning and identification of fundamental ideas discussed in both Oedipus Rex and Othello. Works Cited 123HelpMe. com. ââ¬Å"Free College Essays ââ¬â Use of Imagery in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Othelloâ⬠. Web. 06 June 2010 . Answers. com. ââ¬Å"Image: Definitionâ⬠. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Jun 2010. . Blue, Tina. ââ¬Å"Traditional Themes and Motifs in Literatureâ⬠. 2001. n. pag. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . Example Essays. ââ¬Å"Animal Imagery in Othelloâ⬠. N. p. , n. d. . Web. 2 Jun 2010. . GradeSaver. ââ¬Å"Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King Study Guideâ⬠. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . GradeSaver. ââ¬Å"Othello Study Guide:Major Themesâ⬠. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . Laymopun. ââ¬Å"Othello: Imagery ââ¬â TermPaperâ⬠. Research Papers and Essays. N. p. , 20 07 2002. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . Novel Guide. ââ¬Å"Oedipus the King: Metaphor Analysisâ⬠. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . Shows. ââ¬Å"Themesââ¬âOedipusâ⬠. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Jun 2010. . SparkNotes Editors. ââ¬Å"SparkNote on Othello. â⬠SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 2 Jun. 2010. SparkNotes Editors. ââ¬Å"SparkNote on The Oedipus Plays. â⬠SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 2 Jun. 2010. Study Guides and Teacher Resources. ââ¬Å"Oedipus the King Symbolism, Imagery & Allegoryâ⬠. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Jun 2010.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Project Management Article
The Article I have chosen to summarize is titled ââ¬Å"Life and Deathâ⬠by Cindy Waxier and the same was published In the February 2013 issue of The PM Network Magazine, The article Is on Risk Management planning and execution and its requirement before any type of risky operation. The Management team of Children's Memorial Hospital In Illinois, USA faced a dramatic challenge on 9th June 2012 when they moved 127 patients from their aging faculty to a new 23-storied $855 building on Northwestern universities medical school campus.The new facility named Ann and Robert H. Laurie Hospital of Chicago was equipped with modern facilities and the move was necessitated because the present building that was built in 1882 was cramped despite various attempts for renovation and expansion and patients felt like being rats stuck in a cage. In the words of Maureen Mahoney, Laurie Children's chief clinical excellence officer QUOTE We realized that in order to continue to grow and serve patient s in a way that's compatible with our vision, we had to create a replacement hospital â⬠¦UNQUOTE. The new facility had multiple features to ensure better patient care Like spacious treatment rooms, an enclosed ambulance bay and there comforts. The hospital had risk patients and before they could enjoy the comforts of the new faculty the task of moving them to the new establishment situated at a distance of 4. 8 Kilometers from the present hospital was daunting.A single misstep would end in a tragedy and a comprehensive Risk Management Strategy had been put in place by Mahoney who had spent years to draw up a comprehensive strategy that included logistics, budget, staffing and transportation keeping in mind the worst case-scenarios that may crop up during the transfer of patients. A multidisciplinary project team had been built to ensure smooth transition. Outside consultants team was also enlisted for guidance that helped in shaping the foundation but the Hospital's own Risk Man agement Team built on it based on their culture and need of the patients.The Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora, USA had undergone a similar migration to a replacement hospital earlier. Ms. Mahoney and her team met with representatives of this hospital to discuss the various aspects. The team also consulted other hospitals that were planning their transition and discussed and shared plans. Since transporting the patients required closing of some of Chicago Streets, Ms. Mahoney had already spoken to the city agencies including police; fire and emergency well in advance so that they could work in an orchestrated manner and ensure smooth transportation of patients without any hindrance.All the faculty and staff were informed in details about the move and meetings were held to address the concerns of physicians, nurses and caregivers. Since this operation would impact everyone in the hospital, organizing and encouraging all and sundry were a necessity. To remove the fear of the young patients, they were shown videos of a Buddy Bear being safely moved to a new capital and each patient was given a Buddy Bear of his or her own on moving day as an encouragement.With the Risk management team raring to go and all city support having been secured plans were laid for logistics of transporting the patients. Elective surgeries were Mahoney who had spent 4 years to draw up a comprehensive the worst case-scenarios that may crop up during the transfer of patients. A multidisciplinary project team had been built to ensure smooth transition. Outside consultants team was also enlisted for guidance that helped in shaping the some of Chicago Streets, Ms. Mahoney had already spoken to the city agencies avian been secured plans were laid for logistics of transporting the patients.Elective surgeries were delayed until after the move and accordingly patients were divided into seven categories based on the severity of their condition. Patients from the neonatal and pediatric intensive care units and children undergoing chemotherapy were given preference. The team also ensured that the required medical equipments as needed were transferred along with the patient and included medication, intravenous line or oxygen. The worst case scenario of patient being decontaminates en route was critically planned and Ms. Mahoney ensured that medical specialists accompany each patient in the ambulance.On the eve of the move I. E. 8th June 2012, everything were checked as planned, patients' requirements were meticulously ascertained and even the less critical medical requirement such as emptying a patients catheter prior to departure was not ignored. The transfer began on 9th June 2012 precisely at 6 a. M. The next day and adequate staff was on hand at both ends to tackle any problem that may arise. Chicago streets were cordoned-off and the medical staff begun the much awaited transfer making note at ACH step to ensure patients whereabouts from the moment he or she was taken ou t of bed.The documentation of movement helped the team to track and look after the patients at four points during the process of transfer. Within two hours I. E. By 8 p. M. Every patient was safely transported to the new facility and en envisaged and planned there was not a single mishap or even a single safety issue. The four years of comprehensive risk management strategy was successfully implemented and all the 127 patients were safely transported to the new facility in Just 14 hours, covering a distance of 4. 8 kilometers.
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