Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Payroll Accounting Chap. 3 Matching and Questions for Review

CHAPTER 3 Matching Quiz E1. Employee’s FICA Tax Rates D2. Form SS-4 H3. Semi Weekly Depositor J4. Taxable for FICA A5. Non Taxable for FICA I6. Self-Employed’s FICA Tax Rates C7. Form 941 B8. Monthly Depositor G9. Taxable Wage Base F10. Form SS-5 CHAPTER 3 Review Questions 1. If the person employs 1 or more individuals for performances of services in the US unless such services or employment are specifically exempt by law. 2. Defined by the common-law relationship of employer/employee 3. If the business has the right to tell a worker how, when, and where to work 4. a person who follows an independent trade, business, or profession.Where they offer their services to the public the following is the â€Å"test†: Hire, supervise, & pay assistants Determine the sequence of their work Set their own hours Work for as many employers as they wish Are paid by the job Make their services available to the public Have an option for profit or loss Furnish their own tools Have a substantial investment in their trade May be dismissed only under terms of a contract 5a. They must collect the employee’s FICA tax on tips that each employee reports. Then deduct the FICA taxes from other wages due to the employee 5b.Employers are liable for their share of the FICA tax on any tips subject to the employees FICA tax 6. After 6 months of consecutive calendar months the sick pay is not taxed. Period off work MUST be consecutive any return to work restarts the 6 month count. 7. They are subject to FICA tax but the employer’s match portion is tax free. 8. YES!!!! The amount of over payment is credited against the employee’s federal income tax for the year. Instructions are given on the Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040) that explain how the over payment should be treated. So file your taxes John!!! 9a. 3. 3 % 2013-Projected 10. 4% for OASDI 2. 9% for HI b. Usually the net business income of individual as shown in their income tax returns make up their net earnings from self employment for the purpose of the social security act. The max taxable income for an individual is $110,100 for OASDI but for HI the total income is taxable 10. The EIN’s can be obtained directly from the IRS website. No registration is required and the EIN is recognized by the IRS immediately or they can call the IRS or mail or fax the SS-4 (Application for EIN) 11. The requirements are based on the â€Å"lookback† period.The amount of employment tax the employer reported on the quarterly returns for the 4 quarters in the lookback period determines if they are a monthly or semi monthly depositors. Each Nov. the IRS notifies employers weather they will be monthly or semimonthly depositors. 12. Pretty much all employers except those with a $2,500 or less in ? tax liabilities that pay when they file their returns. 13. Generally by touch tone phone, personal computer, or online 14. Generally 3 months of each calendar year 15a. A certain % of the amount of tax required to be reported will be added to the tax. . 5% of the undeposited taxes c. 2% of the amount (if less than $1,250 then penalty is $25 or the amount of the check, whichever is less) Practical Problems A (please see the Excel file for the rest of the problems and then I am mailing in the forms used for problems 3-11A, 3-12A, 3-13A, 3-14A, & 3-15A) 3-15A LO4,5 b. 1. Jan. 182. Feb. 63. Feb. 204. Mar. 65. Mar. 20 6. Apr. 3 3-16A LO5 1. Apr. 15 2. a250. 52505 * 10% = 250. 50 b. 12. 532505 * ? % = 12. 53 c. 3. 712505 * 3% * (18/365) = 3. 7118 days late d. 266. 74 Total Penalty Imposed

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Bald Eagle

The bald eagle or Haliaeetus leucocephalus, a specie of sea eagles, is the only eagle that is unique to North America. Recognized for being the national bird of the United States, it can be found today over the North American expanse from northern Mexico, to Canada and to Alaska where approximately half of the estimated total population of 70,000 live (Bald Eagle Information).Together with the Golden eagle, the bald eagle or American bald eagle, is the largest of the eagles. It has a wingspan that reaches some 79 to 89 cm.  long, an average weight of around 14 pounds for males (females are slightly larger and heavier) and a strong and large hooked beak two inches long and one inch deep (Merry  ¶ 1).Classification Class: Aves (birds) Order: Falconiformes (along with falcons, hawks, old-world vultures, condors, buzzards, kites, caracars, ospreys, harriers, accipiters, secretary birds and bateleurs) Sub-family: Buteoninae (together with true buzzards, true eagles and other sea eagle s) Family: Accipitridae (hawks and eagles) Genus: Haliaeetus (all sea or fish eagles) Species: leucocephalus (derived from the Latin word â€Å"leukos† that means white)There are two sub-species of bald eagles: Haliaeetus leucocephalus leucocephalus or the traditional â€Å"southern† variety, which lives in the gulf states, south of 40 degrees north latitude and the slightly larger Haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus or â€Å"northern† bald eagle, which inhabit the states north of 40 degrees north latitude across North America (Bald Eagle Information P 1-3). Living Habits Bald eagles inhabit North America because of the abundance of their diet sources. The rivers and streams in Washington, Montana and Alaska are visited by the American eagles in large numbers during the spawning seasons of salmon, shad and eulachon.The bald eagle is primarily a scavenger bird that feeds on dead, dying or weakened fish and other prey but they have the predatory skills and equipmen t when needed (Merry  ¶ 4-5). Based on radio telemetry, the American bald eagles have been shown to regularly roost right after dawn, alternatively glide and flap on its flight direct to their favorite feeding perch and roost back in the evening (Merry  ¶ 8). Maturity, Mating and Nesting At juvenile age, the American bald eagle is a mix of brown and white feathers. They attain sexual maturity when they reach four or five years of age.Adult eagles are covered with white head, neck and tail feathers and blackish-brown breast and back feathers (General Fact). They build their eyries or nests atop tall trees near bodies of water or coasts where they perch. Bald eagles, who mate for life or until the death of their partners, use and add sticks and leaves to the same eyrie year after year. Two to three eggs are laid every spring; the males help the females in incubating the eggs from 35 to 40 days. The eaglets, when hatched, are covered with grayish-white downy and will need to be fed by their parents until they become six eight weeks old.At 9 to 14 weeks, they fledge and at 4 months old, the eaglets come of their own. As Endangered Specie The American bald eagle was categorized as endangered for over half a century until the United States Fish and Wildlife Service upgraded its status to ‘threatened' in July 1995. Earlier in 1967, the specie was officially listed as an endangered species in most of the lower parts of the country because of continuing decline for several decades because of the loss of habitat, prey and the then widespread use of the pesticide DDT.In 1973, the Endangered Species Act was passed in a bid to halt the loss of several endangered animal species and to help reverse environmental degradation. The Endangered Species Act has been shown to be at least fairly effective at preventing the extinctions of many animal species, including the bald eagle whose number increased from under 500 in 1963 to over 9,000 pairs in 2006 (Wikipedia, Endan gered Species Act  ¶ 19). References bald eagle. (2007). In Encyclop? dia Britannica. Retrieved March 5, 2007, from Encyclop? dia Britannica Online: http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9011927 Endangered Species Act. (2007, March 1).In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 12:35, March 5, 2007, from http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=Endangered_Species_Act&oldid=111852673. General Facts About Bald Eagles. American Bald Eagle Information Site. Retrieved 05 March 2007 from http://baldeagleinfo. com/eagle/eagle-facts. html. Homepage. American Bald Eagle Information Site. Retrieved 05 March 2007 from http://baldeagleinfo. com/index. html. Merry, Sondra. Species: American Bald Eagle or Haliaeetus Leucocephalus. University of Wisconcin. Retrieved 05 March 2007 from .

Nonpoint Source Pollution

Nonpoint source pollution is land runoff from drainage, rain, and seepage and hydraulic modification. It is caused by rain or snow melt that moves through and over the ground. When the runoff moves, it collects and picks up manmade and natural pollutants and ends up spilling into lakes, rivers, streams, and coastal waters. Nonpoint source pollution can include things like motor oil, toxic chemicals, animal droppings, trash and even insecticides. Our drinking water needs to be protected. It takes the help of the community, public water systems and resource managers.We can do small things such as posting signs in our community to let others know that any pollution in the area can contaminate our everyday drinking water. You can also be careful as to how much fertilizers and pesticides you use because the more you use, the more runs off when it rain and it is in the soil as well so when the rain washes the soil, it flows through storm drains. A great plan is to get a group together and help clean up along local rivers and streams and along side of the road.It helps to limit the trash and bacteria that contaminates our water. Other solutions to help prevent non point source pollution and help keep our water clean is to keep all harsh chemical substances stored away from the ground and in their original containers. Also, If you happen to wash your car, don’t allow the runoff to drain into the streets or the sewage system as it will contaminate it. Opposing views of these issues are perhaps people not agreeing to get up and go volunteer because they have better things to do.Some people see it that the city is supposed to take care of it. Some people won’t want to change the location of where they wash vehicles at. They all want convenience of course. Many people do not have proper inspections of their lawns that have been fertilized. They can be tested by professionals but people will oppose to because it will come with a fee, and others do not have the ir septic tanks cleaned out every few years because of the price as well.Non point source pollution also contributes to eutrophication which is runoff that has nitrogen and phosphate in it and it stimulates the growth of algae and it can harm and kills fish and organisms. The algae grow to make a mat over the water and on the floor of the water that diminishes the light through the water so it lowers the growth and productivity of other plants. â€Å"The water becomes depleted in oxygen. When the abundant algae die and decompose, much oxygen is consumed by those decomposers.Oxygen in the water is also lowered by the lack of primary production in the darkened, deeper waters. Lowered oxygen results in the death of fish that need high levels of dissolved oxygen such as trout, salmon and other desirable sport fish. The community composition of the water body changes, with fish that can tolerate low dissolved oxygen, such as carp predominating. As you can imagine, changes in fish commun ities have ramifications for the rest of the aquatic ecosystem as well, acting at least in part through changes in food webs. (Muir, P. 2009)Some challenges that my plan faces is that it’s not very easy to get others to partake in community service and to also notice the small things they do really contribute to non point source pollution in my community. It takes a group effort to raise awareness on this issue, but if everyone pulls together, our drinking water will be cleaner, our lakes ponds and rivers will be safer to swim and fish in and the plants and animals in the habitats of our waters will be safer and not endangered by our hazardous wastes.This plan effects the entire community and can become a very productive and positive way to protect our environment and ourselves. Our children drink the water we contaminate, even though it has passed through water treatments, it is still not clean enough to drink safely. We can also consider raising awareness groups and contact ing your local news stations to get the word out to your community and also have your coworkers get involved as well. References Muir, Patricia. Oct. 2009. Eutrophication. At people. oregonstate. edu

Monday, July 29, 2019

Fish bank reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fish bank reflection - Essay Example According to an article by the United Nations, â€Å"fishing is central to the livelihood and food security of 200 million people worldwide†¦while one of five individuals depend on fish as the primary source of protein† (â€Å"Overfishing: A threat†). Current trends in the diet now include fish as a healthier option. Thus, an increase in the demand for fish had driven the fishing industry to catch more in order to supply the higher consumption of fish—starts of overfishing. With the rapid sprouting of commercial fishing vessels, more marine creatures are caught by the day; however, this in turn produces significant drawbacks. The fishing industry had produced more equipped vessels, ensuring greater catch (â€Å"Overfishing†). â€Å"As the catches have gradually become smaller, the mesh sized in fishing nets have also decreased, allowing for more smaller fish to be caught† (Layton). The smaller fishes are never allowed to grow into full-fledged creatures. This is an alarming occurrence, for this could disrupt the reproduction process of most fish. The fishing trend had robbed the ability of Mother Nature to replenish what had been lost at sea. In overfishing, there is over-exploitation and mismanagement, not only by commercial establishments but also on the part of government agencies. Policies on overfishing had been intentionally ignored by most. A report revealed the ongoing illegal activities on the Indian Ocean coast waters, despite government policies—this continued to threaten the over depleted water supplies (IPP Media). Furthermore, it cited that â€Å"the number of fishing permits did not correspond with the amount of stocks available in the ocean, hence, the depletion.† Neglect by the government and continued illegal activities had worsened the already disastrous conditions. All in all, man’s activity (overfishing) is the main contributing factor in the rapid depletion of fish stocks in the ocean.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Current and Future Economic Issues Impacting Healthcare Sector Coursework

Current and Future Economic Issues Impacting Healthcare Sector - Coursework Example This paper thoroughly analyzes these five factors that are affecting the demand and supply, as well as the costs, of health care services in the United States. It also suggests specific strategies that relevant entities may use to address these issues from an economic perspective. Physician sovereignty implies that health care professionals, such as doctors, largely influence or regulate the demand for health care. People believe that they require the checkups, medicines, and therapies that the physician advises. Health care demands professional knowledge or expertise. People depend on the doctor. The physician could consider cost, but they are obviously minor (Culyer et al., 2011). Decisions are made based on established clinical knowledge and practice and the guarantee of appropriate, correct health care. The usual thriftiness of a consumer who weighs prices against one another thoroughly and makes budgets is nonexistent in health care. Although this is not essentially negative, it does further result in a greater demand for, and thus increasing costs of, medical care. Moreover, within conventional ‘fee-for-service insurance’, the higher the number of services that are suggested the greater the income the physician or hospital gets (Aizer, 2007 , 405). This situation could result in unnecessary services with gains that are not equal or more than their costs. In fact, physicians may be inclined to over-service, over-test, and overprescribe, particularly if this excessive medical care lessens the possibility of an expensive medical malpractice case (Hicks, 2014). The over-demand produced by third-party payments is a perfect illustration of how consumer decision-making and behavior can be influenced by financial incentives. Consumers are simply acting in response reasonably to the incentive of a lowered price, and the unused or misused medical care is an indication of consumer preference. The result may not be socially desired, yet the consumer remains

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Argument - Essay Example Further, college enrolment at present day and time is shocking in the sense that, there is low college enrolment among the disadvantaged and minority groups. Socio economic factors, is also argued as another deterrent to progressive education in America, and this is evident among Hispanics, African Americans and the Asians. Surveys since 1980 have shown a static progress with respect to female enrolment in college (Ross & Kena 2012, p.5). The gap between the affluent and the disadvantaged has not changed for a while, and this provides the support for the argument that more need to be done to improve college enrolment in America. In a 2010 report, there is still a higher rate of non-white living in abject poverty whereby this result in constraints to enroll their children for college education (Ross & Kena, 2012, p.5). Barriers such as ethno-cultural inclinations act as an impediment to accessing college education. The underrepresentation among different cultural groups in the America n society is slowing down the progress of accessing higher education. There are other groups who feel not part of the establishment, and regard accessing postsecondary education as inconsequential. At the present, the education system is not active in appealing to the underprivileged groups. As a result, access to higher education in the American society still lacks equity, as there is need for an inclusive knowledge based society. In addition, there are issues not taken serious by the system, and this includes engaging in motivation the underrepresented of the benefit of accessing college education. This group still lack necessary information regarding the importance of accessing post-secondary education. Further, public funds are not equitably distributed to support the development of higher education in America. While other states are way ahead, there are other states that still require federal support. The regions with higher minority population still need federal funding to adv ance higher learning. There still occurrences where postsecondary students aspiring to join college are unaware of the existence of financial aid. As a result, the disadvantaged students give up on their ambitions to pursue higher learning (College Student Alliance 2011, p.30). In perspective, the situation regarding financial barrier to accessing higher learning is real. The number of youth accessing higher education from affluent homes remains higher compared to those from disadvantaged homes. There are no grassroots structures to help youth from minority groups accessing government aid and attend the prestigious colleges in America (College Student Alliance 2011, p. 30). On another note, social mobility still lack in the fabric of the American society and social status still dictates the university to attend. The percentage of affluent students enrolling in prestigious and private colleges is higher, compared to youth from poor families. Prestigious colleges are still reluctant i n providing enrolment information to the disadvantaged neighborhoods. According to Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission (2013, p.8), it is still a common occurrence to record a smaller enrolment among the disadvantaged groups in prestigious institutions such as Oxbridge. The government participation in promoting higher educati

Friday, July 26, 2019

Hereditary Disorders in Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hereditary Disorders in Children - Essay Example Hereditary defects are one of the leading cause of death in children—â€Å"causing 1 in 5 deaths in babies through 12 months of age and as many as 40% of deaths in children through the age of 10 years. Hereditary disorders are also a significant cause of childhood morbidity and long-term disability. Children with hereditary disorders often require care that is expensive and highly specialized. Hereditary disorders often impact family dynamics resulting in additional financial pressures, marital discord, and concerns about the needs of siblings. There is very little that can be done to mitigate the cause of hereditary disorders, although non-genetic birth defects they can be competently managed through public health efforts, such as promoting folic acid intake to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, etc† ( Genetic disorders can occur in males and females of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. It causes different types of birth defects, as well as developmental disabilities. To take a particular example, Down syndrome occurs in about 1 in 800 people. There is wide variation in the mental abilities of children with Down syndrome. Most have developmental delays. They usually learn at a slower pace, but do not lose skills once they are acquired. They may â€Å"also have trouble with judgment and reasoning. The degree of mental impairment is usually in the mild to moderate range. Emotional problems such as behavior issues or depression may occur in childhood. Common facial features include upward slanting eyes with epicanthal folds (skin over the inside corner of the eye), a small mouth, and a flat nasal bridge. Children with Down syndrome are often shorter than average, and prone to extra weight gain. Babies may seem â€Å"floppy† due to low muscle tone (hypotonia).† (www.lpc But all is not lost for parents of children with Down syndrome and other genetic disorders. Down syndrome cannot be cured, but some symptoms can be

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Network Protocol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Network Protocol - Essay Example It is an admitted fact that computer technology has affected many parts of our life by playing a vital role. In addition, business organizations are adopting modern and innovative tools and technologies in order to survive in this ever-increasing competitive world. In fact, with the developments in information technologies, organizations are adopting the trend of building their IT infrastructure using already developed services rather than re-inventing the wheel. In view of the fact that it helps organizations reduce development costs and provide the system with greater adaptability as new services can be composed and existing services can be discarded in case of any change in business requirements or market conditions. In this regard, organizations are increasingly adopting Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to build their IT infrastructure by dynamically composing loosely coupled services to perform their business operations. This research is aimed at exploring SOA and web service technology, focusing on its significance as compared to traditional distributed computing paradigms. In this paper, the significance of different protocols that form the basis of SOA and web services is also revealed and different frameworks and tools are discussed that provide the capabilities of development and integration. Keywords: Service-Oriented Architecture, XML, Web Service Description Language, Web services Introduction Service-oriented architectures (SOA) is a rising approach, promising, efficient and effective system that is loosely coupled, based on open standards, and is not bound to a special type of protocols. In this scenario, the operation of the organization, adopting SOA is run by invoking loosely coupled services often in an asynchronous or event driven style according to the requirements of the underlying business process (Papazoglou & Heuvel, 2007). Basically, the Web services have been very popular since 1999 and the most significant factor that forms the basis of success and popularity of web services is the truth that its backbone is XML (Suda, 2003). In addition, the Web Services work by defining web interfaces all the way through the usage of XML schema and a machine-readable specification called Web Services Description Language (WSDL) to describe the configuration of the input and output messages that are exchanged to invoke and consume the service (Wilkinson et al. , 2009). This paper will provide a brief description of SOA, web services and the advantages of web service technology over other traditional technologies. Basically, this research is aimed at exploring SOA and web service technology, focusing on its significance as compared to traditional distributed computing paradigms. In this paper, the importance of a wide variety of protocols that form the basis of SOA and web services is also revealed and different frameworks and tools are discussed that provide the capabilities of development and integration. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an influential distributed computing architecture that facilitates a higher degree of abstraction in the development, deployment and operation of platform independent IT infrastructure. Additionally, the SOA involves the communication between service providers and service consumers for the consumption of hosted services. SOA provides with a scheme of architecting , implementing, installing, and administering the IT infrastructures, in which, business functionality is provided by reusable services with the help of interfaces which are defined separately from the service

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

BARGAINING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BARGAINING - Assignment Example Kaiser Permanente thought that a national agreement might lead to nationwide strike or lack of support for the agreement by the local unions. On the other side the coalition of unions believed that the national agreement will lead to national wages that will be lower than the local rates (Leventhal, 2006). 26 of the unions were convinced that the national negotiation would not give the best results for their members. Looking at this someone can realize that the interests of Kaiser Permanente were to make sure that they were able to curb national strikes and prevent local unions from rejecting the agreement. The coalition of unions on the other side wanted to make sure that the union members had job security and that there would not be a decrease in payment rates that were resultants (Leventhal, 2006). The interests mentioned herein can be differentiated from the positions of the involved parties in that they were not the demands made by the negotiation parties. In this case the demands are what will be referred to as the positions of the involved parties. The reasons behind the demands are what are referred to as the interest. This is the primary reason as to why the herein mentioned factors can be referred to the conflicting interests of the interest-based negotiation. For Kaiser Permanente to be contributing to the negotiation process they first had to accept the local wage rates to be used nationally. This is the most appropriate through which the other party will feel like the national negotiation process had something positive for them. With such an action the Coalition of unions will not have to fear that the national agreement will lead to a situation where their members are accorded lesser wages as compared to the wages that they used to get under the local agreements. Given the fact that interest-based negotiation dwells on integration and mutual compromising, the coalition of unions will also have to agree that will prevent

Case summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Case summary - Assignment Example Despite its success in early periods of operation, LEGO faced some internal issues which jeopardized its competitiveness in the market. Between 1998 and 2004, the company registered massive revenue loss linked to inefficient manufacturing and distribution systems of the company. The management ignored production costs, which led to high volume of wastes. The company has developed a complex operation mechanism, courtesy of its many operating years. This only meant an increase in operation costs associated with its supply chain and production sections. There are a multiple issues facing LEGO, which need strategic planning in order to overcome. First, the company faces stiff competition from other companies entering the building toy industry. Some companies even manufactured plastic bricks products attuned to LEGO’s products. The situation worsened in 1988 when the company’s plastic design patent expired, reducing competition barrier in the industry. Second, acquisitions, for example Disney acquired Marvel Entertainment increasing the pressure of competition on LEGO. Third, legal battles also threatened the company’s efficiency. Court fights with other companies such as MEGA Brands over trademark registration resulted into massive loss for the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

United States in the 1960s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

United States in the 1960s - Essay Example The Civil rights act was meant to solve discriminatory issues and practices in segregated areas of the USA. The act enabled the term extension of the Civil rights Commission (which was previously a two year fixed term), to ensure proper oversight of the registration and voting practices (DeKoven, 2004). President Dwight Eisenhower signed the act into law, and it eliminated legal loopholes found in the 1957 Civil Rights Act. Post modernism during the late 20th century entailed movements in the criticism, arts and architecture that departed from modernism. Postmodernism entails skeptical interpretations or analysis of architecture, literary criticism, culture, philosophy, history, arts, economics and fiction. Postmodernism is at times associated with several movements that acted against tendencies of modernism, and are generally marked by historical elements (Palmer, 2009). For example; Jane Jacob’s book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities published in 1961, represented a critique of urban planning. This is because the book was written within modernism, and illustrated change form modernity to postmodernism in urban planning issues. Part of the cold war phase was experienced in the 1960s in the USA; for example the duration after the Cuban Missile crisis towards the end of 1962, and the beginning of the dà ©tente duration in 1969. The USA engages in cold war with the Soviet Union in the 1960s, despite internal issues like John Kennedy’s assassination, anti-Vietnam war movements, and the civil rights movements. In 1968, Czechoslovakia started reforms; however, the reforms halted when the Soviet Union invaded the country. The cold war led to division in the third world. Governments like Libya supported the soviets; on the contrary, governments like Saudi Arabia supported the west were USA is represented (Heale, 2005). The USA economy started the 1960s with a recession. In 1961, the unemployment

Monday, July 22, 2019

Nature Strongly Influences Early Human Development. Discuss Essay Example for Free

Nature Strongly Influences Early Human Development. Discuss Essay Both nature and nurture play an important role in early human development. However, people have always wondered that our gene which we inherited from our parents or environmental factors influenced the most. This has been a mysterious around the globe for centuries. This essay will analyze that nurture is the most important. Nature which is the heredity from our parents plays a huge role in the development. Our personal characteristics were determined by the genetic structure of the fertilized ovum. The decision of our sex, hair color, eyes color comes from the gene which we inherited from our parents. Another example for the affections of gene on the development of human is that, a twin who was separated for almost 35years with different life history still share the same interest and personality when they meet each other. Moreover, because of the genetically programmed maturation , children’s behavior after birth flows the same as the time schedule of their innate ability such as rolling over, sitting without support, standing while holding on to furniture, etc. Although we see that nature influenced human the most, what really influences the development is nurture. For instance, even if all children go through the same sequences of motor behaviors, different children will go through the same stage at different rates. What’s more, the extension of motor behaviors can be hastened by extra stimulation or practice that infants received. As we can see, a child who was given an extra practice of walking everyday began to walk earlier than children who didn’t practice. Also, the development of speech is accelerated if an infant is encouraged and stimulated to speak. According to the belief of John Locke, babies have blank minds after their births. Their minds only improved from what they’ve learned and experienced through their senses. They do not inherit from their parents. Similarly, according to John B. Waston and B. F. Skinner, the nature of human can be adaptable. It doesn’t really depend on the heredity of the child but it does depend on the training that the child has received. He also stated that he can turn any infants to any kind of specialists such as lawyer, doctor, artist, or even thief and beggar regarding to his training but not their race of ancestors, tendencies, talents or abilities. In conclusion, either nature or nurture influenced new born infants in their own ways. It seems they can back up with strong supports. However, nurture influences more than nature because it has a strong power to alter our natural form and can possibly turn us into somewhat different. In my opinion, I also believe that nurture has a strong impact on children’s development because from my personal experience, I have to study in order to get the knowledge and skills and my lifestyle just adapt to the environment around me.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Lord Palmerstons Achievements as Foreign Secretary

Lord Palmerstons Achievements as Foreign Secretary Assess the achievement of Palmerstons first period at the Foreign Office, between 1830 and 1841. Viscount Palmerston was, without doubt, one of the most famous foreign secretaries ever to have held the office- and he did so on two occasions- between 1830-41, and 1846-52. As with many famous figures he is also rather a controversial one, receiving a mixture of praise and criticism from historians. Anthony Wood generally sees him as a dextrous negotiator, who threatened to use force in a judicious and responsible manner[1]. Eric Evans, on the other hand, is more inclined to see Palmerston’s obvious sabre rattling and ‘Gun Boat diplomacy’ as an irresponsible and unprincipled pursuit of the National interest[2] that aggravated diplomatic wounds (especially with the French) – and left Lord Aberdeen (when he took over in 1841) to ‘pick up the pieces’[3]. The function of this essay will be to evaluate Palmerton’s achievements in the first (and perhaps more influential) period under the premierships of Earl Grey and Lord Melborne in light o f this historiographical debate. This essay will adopt a chronological structure to facilitate the clarity of discussion. It will cover the three most famous events in British Foreign affairs in this period- the Belgium Crisis of 1830-1, the creation of the Quadruple Alliance in 1834, the finally the Egyptian Crises concerning France and Russia from 1831-41. It will then assess if, on balance, Palemerston’s first period at the Foreign Office can generally be called a success, as argued by Wood, or in fact did more harm than good- as argued by Evans. Palmerston’s general attitude to foreign affairs was famously one of the pursuit of national self-interest above the maintenance of any kind of consistent, or ‘ethical’ position. He told the House of Commons: â€Å"We have no eternal allies, we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow† For Evans, this was attitude represented a carte blance form of pragmatism. Palmerston was able to wrap himself in the union jack- often mobilising British public opinion behind him- and effectively conduct himself as he pleased with little regard for the sovereignty or stability of other nations- and most importantly- without any regard for long term-worsening of diplomatic relations. This approach was first demonstrated in respect of the Crisis in Belgium in 1830-1. In the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Belgium had been placed under the United Provinces of the Dutch- ignoring the obvious differences in religion and national feeling[4]. Eventually, Belgium Patriots were able to gather enough support to drive out the Dutch garrison from Brussels. King Louis Phillipe, who had come to power in France in 1830, was known to favour a satellite Belgium state under a French protectorate- although it was unknown as the extent the French were prepared to use military force to get it. At a London conference in 1831, Palmerston found himself in a difficult position- but refused to hand over two fortresses on the Belgium border to the French- thus ensuring the creation of a neutral Belgium. Some months later, after the French posted troops inside Belgium, Palmerston let it be known that he would be prepared to use force against them if they did not withdraw[5]. The French could n ot take this risk, and retreated. A treaty was signed in December 1832, establishing an international guarantee of Belgium’s neutrality. On the face of it, this seemed like a triumph for Palmeston. It could be argued that he had played the game of diplomatic bluff to perfection, and by refusing to assent to French demands and sabre rattling, had achieved a settlement most inkeeping with his goal of maintaining British national interest- and one which ensured a potentially dangerous French power-base did not grow any more menacing. However, there was no doubt that ‘Lord Pumicestone’s’ abrasive qualities had soured Anglo-French relations and perhaps a more delicate and consensual stance might have yielded a more satisfactory outcome to all sides The diplomatic problems with France did not go away. In 1834, the Queens of Spain and Portugal (who were constitutional rulers) were threatened by absolutist regimes in their own countries- and Palmerston was suspicious that the French planned to take advantage. His idea to create a ‘Quadruple Alliance’ between all four countries seemed, on the face of it, another great success. France could not diplomatically refuse an alliance already agreed to by Britain, Spain, and Portugal[6], and was seemingly once again outmanoeuvred by what Palmerston called a ‘Capital Hit all of my own doing’ (He was not known for his modesty). Palmerston had always been unequivocal in his support for Constitutional rulers, and Britain’s self-interest was arguably sustained by the maintenance of moderate regimes in the Iberian Peninsula[7]. On this occasion, he had arguably used diplomatic guile rather than the implied threat of military force to achieve success- so it can pe rhaps be said that Palmerston was occasionally prepared to dock his gunboat for a spot of peaceful diplomacy. Once again, though, the price of safeguarding British Interests had worsened Anglo-French relations. In 1831, Mehemet Ali, a rebellious vassal of the Turkish Sultan Mahmud in Egypt, declared war and took possession of Palestine and Syria from the Turkish Empire. The Russians- in offering to help forced the beleaguered Sultan to sign a rough treaty which effectively passed control of the strategically vital Unkiar Skelessi Straits to them. Palmerston was worried about an escalation of Russian influence- as it heightened his fear of a potential alliance between Russia and France. In 1839, the Sultan made an ill-advised attack on Ali, and ended up suffering an ignominious defeat, and gave the vassal his excuse to carry the war deep into Turkish territory. It was Palmerston’s policy to support Turkey, mainly because it dispersed the power base of Europe, and also because of a recently signed commercial treaty between the two nations. The Turkish town of Aden (which had the added benefit of being a useful place for British steamships to replenish their coal stocks en route to Ind ia) was placed under a British protectorate. Rather predictably, the French sided with Mehemet Ali. Palmerston offered a deal to his enemies- that Ali could retain Egypt and Syria for his lifetime, but the French encouraged him to turn it down. Palmerston refused to climb down, and instructed Lord Granville (the British Ambassador in Paris) to: â€Å"Covey to him (King Louis Phillipe) in the most friendly and unoffensive manner possible†¦that if France begins a war, she will lose her ships, colonies and commerce before she sees the end of it; that her army of Algiers will cease to give her anxiety, and that Mehemet Ali will be chucked into the Nile†[8] This uncompromising stance once again was a gamble, made more intense when British Marines helped capture the cities of Acre and Beirut after Ali rejected Palmerston’s deal. France (also worried by threatening movements in Bavaria) was in no position to engage Britain in a war, and she ended up having to aid Britain and Russia to defeat Ali[9]. Eventually, Russia was even persuaded to relinquish control of the Straits, and all four powers agreed to return to the original settlement of 1809[10]. Disaster had seemingly been diverted again by Palmerston’s tough diplomatic line. For Wood, he had read France’s hand perfectly[11], and once again maintained peace, even if (for Evans) he had put several noses out of joint with more ‘Gun Boat Diplomacy’[12]. In Conclusion, this essay has shown that Palmerston’s abrasive approach to Foreign policy was generally a great success. In each of the three instances covered, his reluctance to compromise worked in Britain’s interests, and against those of France- her eternal foe. Undoubtedly, he did prioritise the national interest above all else, but it could be argued that- such was Britain’s dominance- that her interests and the goal of stability and peace in Europe were by no means unrelated. In fact, one could argue from this evidence that they were very closely linked, and that maybe Palmerston’s reputation as irresponsible is slightly unfounded. It can be said that Palmerston’s hands-on and confrontational approach was extremely risky, and that there was a large element of luck involved in achieving a successful outcome on each occasion. For example, had France not withdrawn from Belgium in 1831, a bloody war might have ensured. In 1839, it may only have been the sudden advent of threatening activity in Prussia that made the French swallow their pride, and abandon Mehemet Ali. Palmerston was also aided by his fleet of gunboats that backed up everything he said. Britain’s naval dominance at that time allowed him to adopt a far more hard-line and interventionist approach than many other Foreign Secretaries before or since. Overall, Palmerston’s guile- backed up by his luck and his powerbase made his period at the Foreign Office between 1830-41 extremely successful, but arguably it could have easily gone horribly wrong. Bibliography Wood, A, ‘Lord Palmerston at the Foreign Office 1830-41’ in Nineteenth Century Britain , 1960, Longman Droz, J, Europe between Revolutions 1815-48, 1967, Fontana/Collins Evans, E, ‘Influence without Entanglement: Foreign Affairs, 1815-46’ in The Forging of the Modern State 1783-1870, 1983, Longman Felling, K, A History of England, 1973, Book Club Associates Roberts, J, A History of Europe, 1996, Helicon Publishing Word-Count- 1620 1 Footnotes [1] See Wood, ‘Lord Palmerston at the Foreign Office 1830-41’ in Nineteenth Century Britain , 1960, pp.156-63 [2] See Evans, ‘Influence without Entanglement: Foreign Affairs, 1815-46’ in The Forging of the Modern State 1783-1870, 1983, pp.210-3 [3] ibid, p.211 [4] Wood, pp.157-8 [5] In a letter to Granville, he wrote â€Å"The French must go out of Belgium or we have a general War†. See Wood, p. 159 [6] Droz, Europe between Revolutions 1815-48, 1967, p.236 [7] Evans, p.211 [8] See Evans p. 211, also Wood, p.157 [9] Felling, A History of England, 1973, p. 856 [10] Wood, p.163 [11] ibid [12] Evans, p.211

Relational Model Defined By Codds Twelve Rules Computer Science Essay

Relational Model Defined By Codds Twelve Rules Computer Science Essay This report tries to explain what Codds Twelve Rules means. And by comparing MySQL with relational model as defined by Codds Twelve Rules, this report also gives an abstract view on how MySQL comply with Codds Twelve Rules. This report is based on MySQL 5 InnoDB engine. Edgar F.Codd is famous for his contribution to relational model of database in 1970s. However, in 1980s the term relational was used by many database vendors to describe their database products which may not comply with the model that Edgar F.Codd has proposed. In order to clarify his model of relational database, and provide people a simple standard that can indicate to what extent a database software conforms to his model, the Codds Twelve Rules were propose. There are 13 rules in Codds Twelve Rules. Our textbook omits the first one,rule 0, so this report will start from the second one in Codds rules, rule 1. Rule 1: The Information Rule This rule requires all data in relational database management system(RDBMS) should be stored as values in tables at logical level. Some DBMS use Key-Value to store data, Redis for example, which contradict the Information Rule, so these DBMS will not be regarded as relational DBMS. MySQL dose store all data in the form of tables with values in columns of rows. Users can only access to values that are stored in tables. Even the data descript the database itself is store in tables, i.e. table tables in Information schema stores the description of all the tables that have been created. So, MySQL meets the requirement of rule 1. Rule 2: The Guaranteed Access Rule Users must be able to access to values by providing table name, the value of primary key and the name of the columns. In another word, the DBMS should support primary key in tables and enforce each tables contains primary key in order to prevent data duplication. MySQL does support to define primary key in tables. Yet, users can also create tables that dont have it. For example, create one table has columns a and b without primary key. In that circumstance, there may be several rows that has the same value in column a , preventing users to access to the value of column b in the row he want. So, MySQL does not fulfill the requirement of Rule2 and it gives user more flexibility by accepting tables without primary key. Rule 3: Systematic Treatment of NULL Values: The database must support NULL as a value other than 0 or empty string, as a representation of data missing or inapplicable. And the database can provide systematic way to manipulate NULL value. MySQL fulfill this requirement by supporting NULL value and treat it in a systematic way. In MySQL, NULL is supported and is regarded as missing data following ANSI/ODBC SQL standard. MySQL implements ternary logic. Users can not compare values with NULL, even NULL with NULL by using =, because NULL is missing data. The results of those compares are unknown. MySQL provides IS NULL and IS NOT NULL statement in order to treat the compares with value NULL. Rule 4: Active online catalog based on the relational model Data dictionary of one DBMS should be stored as ordinary data in the form of tables. Authorized users must be able to using the query language (SQL for example) that they used to query ordinary data to access to database catalog or structure. MySQL stores database catalog data using tables the same way it store ordinary data. These tables are in system database such as Information_schema. For example, table tables in Information_schema contains information about all tables in MySQL, like TABLE_NAME, TABLE_TYPE. Authorized users can use SQL to query this table in order to access to data catalog of current tables. So, MySQL well implements this Rule. Rule 5: Comprehensive data language The DBMS must support at least one language that can be used directly by users or within application queries. This language must also supports all aspects of database use including data (view) definition, data manipulations, integrity constraints, securities and transaction managements. SQL is a language that is comprehensive enough to support all these requirements. So, any DBMS that implements ANSI/ODBC SQL will comply with this rule. MySQL follows the ANSI/ODBC SQL standard, yet there are several differences between them in several cases. The difference can be seen in documents of MySQL. All these differences are just about statement syntax, i.e MySQL doesnt support select à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ into table, users should using Insert into à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ select to do the same works. But after all, all database use in MySQL can be implemented by using SQL regardless of whether the syntax is different from standard SQL. So, MySQL fulfills Rule 5. Rule 6: View Updating This rule means that the alteration that user makes in a view will result in the alteration of tables from which the view is created, if this view is theoretically updatable. In MySQL, many theoretically updatable views can be updated, yet, there are many limits. For example, due to the documentation of MySQL, delete and update cannot be used to update a view that has more than one underlying table. So, MySQL does not fulfill this rule. Rule 7: The RDBMS may handle individual records but it must primarily handle sets of records This rule means users can use one single command to query, insert, delete and update sets of values in multiple rows or multiple tables. MySQL can handle operation of multiple rows in one table. Because it uses SQL, that has commands that can handle operation of sets of records, as its data language. For example, MySQL can insert multiple records with this statement, INSERT INTO table_name (a,b,c) VALUES (3,4,5), (6,7,8)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. But MySQL cannot handle operation of sets of records that are from different tables in one command. But users can also handle this issue by using transaction that containing a series of SQL commands. So, MySQL implements this rule by allowing user to operate command on multiple rows in one table, while does not support operation of multiple tables in single command. Rule 8: Physical Data Independence This rule means that alterations that have been made to database in physical level, for example, export one database, and open it in another computer will not result in the changes in logical level. And users can still access to the data without altering their commands. MySQL can export one database by creating back up file. This file can be restore by MySQL in another computer. The physical underlying of this database has changed while the table structure will not be changed and users can access to this restored one without any adjustment on their queries. So, MySQL does provide some extent of physical data independence in InnoDB engine. However, if users want to change the store engine of a table from transactional one to non-transactional, the logical level will also change. In sum, MySQL provide physical data independence in InnoDB engine, but changing the store engine may result in change in database logic. Rule 9: Logical Data Independence This rule means that the changes of logical level in the database will not lead to changes of queries that based on former structure. For example, users can split one table into two, while use the same query as before. In MySQL, adding columns to a table will not require changes in application or queries that are base on the structure of this table. However, other changes of logical level, such as combine two tables into one, may call for an alteration of the application based on the structure. So, MySQL does not comply with this Logical Data Independence rule. Rule 10: Integrity Independence This means that integrity definition of data in one DBMS should be regarded as one part of data dictionary, and be stored in the same form as ordinary data. This also requires that this integrity definition can be access by users using language, SQL for example, to query, define or alter the integrity independence. MySQL fulfills this rule. It stores data dictionary in tables in information schema. For example, the column COLUMN_KEY in the table COLUMNS defines whether this column is primary key or has other constraints. And KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table defines which key columns have constrains. Users can access to integrity definition data by query these tables using ordinary SQL statement. Rule 11:Distribution Independence Today, many DBMS introduce the function to using distribute data in different locations. However, due to this rule, where this data be distributed and how DBMS manage them should not be visible to users. Users can use the data in the same way as they use data that been stored in one place. The InnoDB engine does not provide the ability to store data in different locations. MySQL has a distributed engine called MySQL Cluster. In InnoDB engine, MySQL introduce XA Transaction which is based on X/Open XA specification since 5.0.3. This specification provides users the ability to employ multiple resources in one transaction. However, users must know the underlying works, and if the structure of the distributed DBMS changes, the XA Transaction statement may also need to be adjusted. So, MySQL does not comply with the rule 11. Rule 12: The Nonsubversion Rule Sometime the DBMS provide API or other low-level interface for users to handle complicated transactions. However, those interfaces must not break all the rule above and bypassing integrity constraints and security. MySQL provides APIs for different applications or programming languages as low-level interface. There are back doors in them, custom command SHOW for example. However, these backdoors are only maintained for the compatibility with the former edition. Summary In Sum, due to the comparison between MySQl and Codds rules, MySQL implement most of these rules, though there are still some limitations. It can be regarded as a DBMS that is relational.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Maya Angelou :: essays research papers

when Maya Angelou was a young woman -- "in the crisp days of my youth," she says -- she carried with her a secret conviction that she wouldn't live past the age of 28. Raped by her mother's boyfriend at 8 and a mother herself since she graduated from high school, she supported herself and her son, Guy, through a series of careers and buoyed by an implacable ambition to escape what might have been a half-lived, ground-down life of poverty and despair. "For it is hateful to be young, bright, ambitious and poor," Angelou observes. "The added insult is to be aware of one's poverty." In "Even the Stars Look Lonesome," her new collection of reflective autobiographical essays, Angelou gives no further explanation for her "profound belief" that she would die young. "I was thirty-six before I realized that I had lived years beyond my deadline and needed to revise my thinking about an early death," she recalls. "With that realization life waxed sweeter. Old acquaintances became friendships, and new clever acquaintances showed themselves more interesting. Old loves burdened with memories of disappointments and betrayals packed up and left town, leaving no forwarding address, and new loves came calling." Now 69, Angelou is the nearest thing America has to a sacred institution, a high priestess of culture and love in the tradition of such distaff luminaries (all of them, hitherto, white) as Isadora Duncan and Pearl S. Buck, with a bit of Eleanor Roosevelt and Aimà ©e Semple MacPherson thrown into the mix. "She was born poor and powerless in a land where/power is money and money is adored," the poet Angelou writes in tribute to another astonishing black woman of our time, Oprah Winfrey. "Born black in a land where might is white/and white is adored./Born female in a land where decisions are masculine/and masculinity controls." Angelou's lifelong effort to escape and expose the "national, racial and historical hallucinations" that have burdened black women in America and replace them with a shining exemplar of power, achievement and generosity of spirit is as miraculous as she says it is, even if one suspects that in "real life" Angelou must be a little hard to take. "I would have my ears filled with the world's music," she writes, "the grunts of hewers of wood, the cackle of old folks sitting in the last sunlight and the whir of busy bees in the early morning .

Friday, July 19, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Demonstrated in the Movie, One Flew Over Th

Interpersonal Communication Demonstrated in the Movie, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Communication is an essential part of our lives. It is through the process of communication that we are able to make contact, and thus develop who we are in relationship to others. Interpersonal communication is a specific type of communication in which the people involved are contacting each other as persons, and through an ongoing process, defining who they are for each other. In the following pages, I will explain six concepts related to the study of interpersonal communication. Following each explanation, I will give examples of how each concept is demonstrated in the movie, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". In doing so, I hope to show that the concepts introduced in interpersonal communication can be applied to our everyday lives. Personal versus Impersonal Communication Each day we engage in various types of communication. Strange as it may sound, each time we speak with someone, we are not necessarily engaging them as a person. Sometimes, we just want to cash a check at the bank or pay for our groceries without creating anything deeper. Other times, we might want to discuss our feelings with a friend or introduce ourselves to someone new. Whatever the case may be, the type of communication that we engage in will be more personal at times, and more impersonal at other times. One way to envision this, is to imagine the communication events of our day lying somewhere on the impersonal--------------- interpersonal continuum. There are five characteristics that distinguish the personal from the impersonal: uniqueness, measurability, choice, reflectiveness, and addressability. Uniquen... ...nherently good or bad, but each serves its purpose depending on the context in which it occurs. Communication involves cues that can be best understood as parts of a continuum. This continuum ranges from cues that are primarily verbal (words), to mixed(pitch, tone of voice), to primarily nonverbal (facial expression, gestures, appearance). In any given communication situation, all of these ques work together in the process of negotiating selves. This process involves constructing and responding to definitions of ourselves and definitions of the people we are communicating with. Contact and communication is what makes us human. The quality of our communication is directly related to the quality of our lives, both physiologically and spiritually. For this reason, learning effective communication skills should be important to all of us.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Media and Social Responsibility Essay

Do information media have social responsibility? If yes, in what ways? If no, why not? I, along with many other people will agree we are not sure what responsibilities are that information media has, but they do have some sort of responsibility. Media outlets need to remain unbiased, but we all know that none of them do. The certain news sites that I read, do usually seem one sided, but I keep an open mind when it comes to believing what the say. If I have any doubt what I am reading is far fetched, I turn to other sources to make sure I get the whole story. Over the years when I have done research on a particular topic, I have always used multiple sources. As far as the information media having any responsibilities, the have many. The main responsibility that they have is to report the most truthful news that they possibly can. They need to stay away from what their views are and report the truth, not just what they speculate. That is the biggest problem they have. If we can’t believe what they say, how are we going to find out what really happened. Their responsibilities need to stay focused on what is needed to be done, and that is to get a factual story out to the general public. Too many media outlets rush to get the â€Å"BIG† story out before the others and they leave out many key factors and the story usually doesn’t make much sense. The ones that are usually guilty of that are the local sites. They want to break the news when the have no information what so ever.

Historical Overview of Us Govt’s Role in Long Term Healthcare

A slip-up Study Why Il legitimate immigration Is an Interg everyplacenmental Mess and W misery Remain So Debra Nance April 22, 2012 PMG 300 Critical thought Introduction Along with religion and taxes, do not bring up outlawed immigration at a dinner party unless you want heated discussions and terrific exits along with lingering strained relationships. A discussion on contraband immigration necessitates to strong responses and strong emotions no thing what political party affiliation. There ar those that commit the Feds for not guarding the borders well profuse. And so on that point argon others that blame the Feds for not observeing the rights of both citizens.There be those that blame state and local governments for spending on receiptss for Illegals that should be spent on real citizens. And then there atomic number 18 others that blame state and local governments for not taking better disturbance of any of their citizens legal or mislabeled. While there argon others who point the finger in anger at anyone who breaks the law and escort misappropriated immigration is just that outlawed. And provided others see America as a nation of immigrants and we should open our borders and welcome all in with open arms to citizenship no matter how they got here.There is no middle make it is legal or smuggled, right or wrong. People want something done by their government but what is the right fashion for nonlegal immigration? I. Why live state and local governments become more active in regulating illegitimate immigrants during recent years? Our text refers to illegal immigration as the mother of all unfunded mandates. Once the immigrants cross the borders, (that the supposes entrust atomic number 18 not being controlled decorously by the federal Government), they fall on a lower floor the jurisdiction of State and local anaesthetic governments.State, County, and urban center Governments, as well as give instruction Distr icts, bear the financial brunt of providing function for the immigrants in an economy that has services being reduce for citizens. grooms are providing genteelnesss to children in the landed estate illicitly at a time that School Districts are already cutting bud disturbs to be subject to meet the necessitate to legal students. County Hospitals that are already underfunded to provide destitute and uninsured care for citizens are overly providing health services for the immigrants. exital anaesthetic Law Enforcement and metropolis and County jails deal with those immigrants that break the law and are having to absorb those costs until they can be handed off to federal official in-migration services for deportation. State and local governments buzz off been handed the problem of illegal immigrants by the Federal government. The Feds are not mount the services that impart to be provided to these populate and yet Government either take official or civil handmaid is doi ng nothing to uphold carry outment of the laws to remove those that are here illegally or to strengthen the borders and immigration process to keep illegal immigrants out.For the financial survival of many of our surround States either illegal immigrants are disruption the law and need to leave the terra firma or the laws need to be changed. This schizoid attitude towards immigration law enforcement has to cloture either the law has been broken or it has not and appropriate action needs to be taken. Either wad are shift the law and should be deported or they should be offered citizenship or the legal major power to stay. The States and Local Governments cannot afford to corroborate illegal immigrant services and still take care of their own citizens.II. How does the design of American federalism lead to the types of intergovernmental conflicts found in the area of immigration? The Federal Government is responsible for Ports of Entry, springer regulation, and Border Secur ity. According to the Pew Latino Center, there were 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States in 2007. If that many passel are able to live in the United States illegally, the Federal Government has failed in its obligations to protect the borders and enforce immigration laws.The argument then concerns that if the Federal Government is unable to meet their obligations of rampart of the borders and enforcement of legal naturalization, then there should be no Federal Mandate to the State and Local governments without funding to support it. Or if there is no funding and the States and Local governments have to then fund these services, States Rights and Local Government Rights should prevail on the decisions as to what services should or should not be offered. If the State or Local governments do not want to provide education or medical services to illegal immigrants then they should not have to do so.The Federal Government has a news report of unfunded mandates to the States and County government. One example was in the 1970s with changes to Mental Health laws and providing of word services. Once it was determined in the courts that lot could not be kept in mental hospitals if they were no danger to anyone else, and that they should be free to live their lives outside of institutions, the office was shifted to the Community Mental Health service model. In this model, deplorable mentally ill people were to be treated in county outpatient clinics.Except like services for illegal immigrants, adequate funding was not provided to the States or to the Counties to support the model and now many poor mentally ill people are in jail or are homeless and not receiving any treatment. inference Illegal immigration will continue to be an emotional and heated topic no matter how it is resolved. Immigration deals with people and their lives. Once you put a look and name of someone you know as an illegal immigrant it is knotty to be forbidding and wh ite about the law and enforcement of that law.I have friends whose parents are illegally in the country from Ireland and have been here for years. granny knot and Pa just came for a visit and neer went home. Even after the focuson lapsed endorses after 9/11 they are still here. And if they were to admit they outstayed their visa they would not be able to get back in the country. They are not hurting anyone and are being back up by their adult children and assist the family by providing childcare for the grandchildren. They pay for any services they use. But they are breaking the law. It is hard to think of these sweet old people being deported in handcuffs.I have sit down with them for tea and eaten Grannys shortbread. But they are breaking the law and are no polar from the Hispanic lady desperately act to stay here long enough to give birth to an prime scotch that will be born with citizenship and forego her to stay in the States. (That same Anchor Baby that gets brough t up over and over again on Conservative blab out Radio. ) How do I defend Granny and Pas status and not also defend the lady with her anchor baby? standardised those heated dinner party discussions there is no middle ground when it comes to illegal immigration.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Letter of Advice Essay

A. interpersonal conversation is a process composed of fourfold elements and skill and shape are take to be an effective communicator.II. Evaluate appropriate levels of self disclosure in familys. A. winning risks is the only way we gage learn, feel, wrench, and imbibe meaningful relationships. 1. Self-disclosure has many advantages in grammatical construction interpersonal relationships. 2. As a relationship progresses, people begin to reveal much details some themselves and their lives to the other person. B. Self-disclosure is an primary(prenominal) requirement for friendships as well as intimate relationships. 1. Self-disclosure allows you to reduce uncertainty about each other and to predict how pricy or how rewarding future interactions with some other person will be. C. Self disclosure to a nonher person, in a parole you are placing a border on him or her to share information with you to most the same degree.III. Define activated intelligence and its role i neffective interpersonal relationships. A. Emotions as the bodys reactions to certain stimuli.1. Feelings initiate when we add thought and interpretation to these personal reactions. 2. Emotions are incomplete good nor bad, neither right nor wrong they are entirely part of being human.IV. Describing strategies for managing interpersonal conflicts. A. fight evokenister be described as angry disagreement.B. When conflict erupts, emotions are involved, and the relationships can be threatened if the conflict is not resolved amicably. C. Conflict can be dangerous because it has a tendency to grow and worsen, but it can also reserve important benefits that can strengthen a relationship and might even be desirable.V. Communication is PersonalizedA. This personalized talk streamlines the messages surrounded by people in the relationship. However, it serves some other purpose as well it can create an intimate bond between them that no one else shares, and much manage a secret tha t they share it can help to strengthen the connections between the individuals.VI. Interpersonal CommunicationsA. Interpersonal converse is a lifelong study that requires ongoingpractice for everyone. B. Five essential aspects of interpersonal communication are listening skills, people skills, emotional intelligence, appropriate skill selection, and communicating ethically.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike Supply Chain Essay

To be able to cope with the intricacy of this project rollout, Nike utilized multidisciplinary athletic teams of advisers.One factor that Nike has strived to make as a standard for their good company is the idea of reverse logistics. As we will analyze further, reverse logistics is how they are able to understand the demands of the demographic and correspond it to the manufacture of their goods. This is seen as a physical vital tool for product research and development at Nike. As we explore the different parts of the chain, it is important to keep your mind on the big picture and how this process what comes together.So as to continue the growth of the past decades it began to look to methods keyword with a rule market share.In the 90’s there were serious allegations of unethical practices carried out by Nike in terms of preventing their Asian suppliers and how services were being carried out. In an effort to get away from this image that was painted of them, Nike has take n long strides to implement disclosure to how the supply chain is run. Over the years, they she had been using a â€Å"push† system to measure sustainability based on compliance from overseas suppliers. As of recently however, Nike has turned to a â€Å"pull system† which is focused around incentives for a well carried out process from their new contract suppliers.

It began generating because also the level of difficulty to conduct business and of the free trade restrictions existing in China in Europe.LogisticsThis part describes the movement of the raw materials from the contract major supplier to the manufacturer. This is usually done by either boat or plane and this next step varies due to the fact that Nike’s manufacturing plants are located all over the world along start with the suppliers. This is because of the global expansion that Nike has implemented in the last few decades.The parties general responsible for this transportation are also measured on this new system of incentives.You are able to last even compare a couple of shoes in conditions of their price, size, colour and features.This is an important step in the cycle because this is where the ideas set by the research and further development team, which are influenced by the target demographic, are made into reality and are kept until further movement of the produc t. Most Nike manufacturing plants aren’t designed to hold a large amount of products as try once which brings us to the following step.Nike has also been known to use manufacturing plant extract from a third party. Because of the fact that Nike is still responsible for these processes carried out by these manufacturers, they keep a close watch on the quality of the products produced.

Apart from coming with great features, they are also very stylish with cool designs that are sure to enhance your look.This step consider also depends on the location of points A and B for each situation due to how global the Nike good Company has become. This transport of products is a crucial part in the flow of the chain to move the manufactured gross product to a place where it can be stored.Again, we are able to see the high rating system built around incentives at work when we analyze the logistics between the manufacturer and the distributor. It is highly other possible that both the distributor and manufacturer was third party companies used in Nike’s short supply chain and so they have to be closely in tune with the two various stages of the supply chain as well as the transportation in between.The business intends to align the employees in a place to implement waste reduction technologies in the whole distribution chain.This decision is made by management and i s carried out as part of the supply chain. The warehouse would hold the product unlooked for as long as it is needed but due to how well measured out the own manufacture of each product is carried out compared to their well estimated demand for the product, it is usually moved fairly quickly to continue the flow of the chain.Distribution is important because the final product needs to be stored before is sent to vendors. For try this reason, Nike also works in monitoring the companies that work with how them for warehousing purposes.

Taking appropriate measures When a provider is knee-deep in a massive supply chain comprehensive program execution, tons of steps need to go implemented concurrently, such as converting huge quantities of information logical and changing many small business processes.This time, the product has been stored in a distributing warehouse and is now nearly ready to move to a place where it would be available to the customer. Nike is available click all over the world and uses many different systems of transportation for bringing the product to the vendor.We have noted that the â€Å"pull† system in place for rewarding third party companies on merit which how serves as incentives are very much used by Nike to handle their logistics. how This is no exception with the transportation of the finished goods from the distributor warehouse to the vendors.Additionally, it generates a first great deal of revenue.Retail stores are still a big part of this step because many purchases are stand still made in stores around the world that are licensed to sell Nike products. Finally, there how are specific Nike outlet stores which get direct shipments from the distributor and exclusively sell winged Nike products. From here, the products are purchased by the customer, but the cycle does logical not end there.8.

It had.Product Development/ ManagementEven though this is the last step which I am describing, it is right in the beginning of the process where it comes into play and is where the cycle of reverse global logistics and the supply chain meet. This is because the information collected from the customer feedback is researched by senior management and in turn is used to form a new design or designs. The design is then passed to the manufacturer which uses the raw materials to create the design set forth by management. This way, the cycle is continuous and efficient.Instead of the business waiting to install i2 as part of their SAP prt ERP project, it moved ahead with the process from the year 1999.By utilizing a single thread to basically make the most entire shoe. By doing this they were able to not only cut waste but see also cut costs and therefore became optimal in multiple ways. Programs such as LAUNCH which was founded by Nike alongside with NASA and the US Department of Stat e have been set up to encourage innovative thinking and ideas. These are just a few examples of the work being done by the other people in charge of product development and supply and Nike says that preventing their ultimate goal is â€Å"a fully sustainable supply chain†.

In addition, it decreased the time needed for supply through forecasting.Sustainable Business first Performance Summary. Available at FY10-11_FINAL.It has registered considerable gain in its productivity over the initial one year.2013. good Governance and Sustainability at Nike. Harvard Business School Teaching Case.Porteous, A.

It noted eventually that the many factors for this projects failure was a result of inadequate expertise in i2, lack of military training as well as calling too far out by the company.L., Rammohan, S., V., D., Carroll, G., Brady, D. 2013.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Scientifc Method Lab 1

3/22/2013 examening groundoratory 1- The scientific regularity In this lab I am development good about the move of the scientific mode and how it mass be utilise to routine life. In my initiatory run into I study info makeed to me in a card ( display board 2) on lean macrocosm in congress to the core of dissolve fount O ( ppm ) in the body of piss system. The patterns refer that when much fade out group O (ppm) is designate in the water, the egress of angle discover increases. In perplexing a conjecture for this theory, I obtain pertinacious that if the get of fade out oxygen (ppm) is added to the water, accordingly to a greater extent than lean we be detect, than water without adding fade out oxygen to the water.My onward motion would be to prep ar an essayation in which the enume govern of fade away oxygen (ppm) evict be changed in a avowled manner, past mensurate and discharge the changes. My case-by-case protean wo uld be the sum total of turn oxygen (ppm) in the water, enchantment the hooklike inconsistent would be the add up of search present. The dictation I would social occasion in this particular(prenominal) essay would be the temperature of the water. I would conciliate this info utilise a relegate chartical platter beca function the results I am analyse ar non s smartnesson in a in variant series, and doesnt let in dates, or geezerhood that samples argon taken.The results be main(a) from for sever only(a)y one(a) early(a). When presenting the information from tabular array 2 water gauge vs. tilt Population, I would pract frosting session a banding chart victimization the bit of weight observed on the horizontal, and the meter of dissolve water (ppm) vertical. much(prenominal)(prenominal) as in the chart presented in figure 4 discharge expedite for cars. The entropy presented in my chart would picture that when higher(prenominal)(pren ominal) add ups of dissolve oxygen (ppm) argon present, the higher the quantities of slant atomic number 18 observed. In puzzle out 2 , I dumbfound determined that subject 1,5 and 10 are tes gameboard, mend 2,3,4,6,7, and 9 are non testable. . When a pose life is position on a windowpanepane sill, it senesces instantaneous than when it is dis posture on a chocolate table in the nitty-gritty of the brisk room. scheme If the constitute is located on the window sill and acquiring more cheer, and so I give grow express than the botany fit(p) on the deep brown table in the place of the life room where it receives less sunninesslight. nobody possible action If I place the correct on the window sill, it go out grow at the aforesaid(prenominal) rate as the limit on the c mangleee berry table. My glide path would be to piddle an experiment where the quantity of sunlight seat tooth be changed in a ontrolled manner, and so cake and magnetic disk the results. The freelance versatile would be the sum up of sunlight the plants are undefendable to, firearm the leechlike changeable would be the issue forth of exploitation of the plants. My gos could be the tot of water disposed to all(prenominal) plant, the humidity, or the quantify of solar twenty-four hour period m, to give ear a few. I would attract my entropy by eternizeing the get of date all(prenominal) plant is loose to sunlight, and metre the step of addition each sidereal twenty-four hours prison termmagazine. The information would hence be presented victimization a ancestry graphical record, representing suppuration in height, by day, solar day 1, day 2, day 3 and day 4. offprint disputations allow for represent each plant. atomic number 53 absorb with sun light and some other line without sunlight. My information impart whence be taken and canvass from the tests, livelihood and degradeings through perfunctory. thusly I would wont the info to project or cancel the speculation. 5. When snap have ruddy provenders and answers regularly, her rakehell rack is get down than when she does non work up and grub oleaginous nutritions. speculation If crev tripe take in intelligent foods and customs, consequently her stemma coerce allow be dishonor than if she does not exert and take in dipper foods.Null meditation If epigram grub flushed foods and influences her descent hale go forth be the benevolentred as if she does not exercise and eats fatso foods. My salute would be to record air nips for one calendar week fleck not implement and eat greasy foods. past I would record melodic line public presss the next week sequence drill and alimentation effectual food. The subordinate variant pass on be business pressure succession the separatist inconsistent pass on be exercise, what kind of food eaten such as rubicund versus fatty.The control un certain would be the posture of exercise and the time of day consume the foods. I would necessitate my info by guardianship a put down of daily strain pressures. in any case I would put down the tot of exercise and what food is universe eaten. In presenting the info I would use a graph covering the tune pressure trends. Analyzing the information with presumptuousness results of the tests, and other upkeep or overthrow the hypothesis. 10. churl scramble melds hurried on a unassailable spendtime day than on a un speedyed spend day. theory If it is a doting spend day thusly trash pickaxe give lean instantaneous than it would on a unheated spend day.Null hypothesis If cover run down off hightail its on a nimble summertime day, thus it pull up stakes melt just as debauched on a dusty spendtime day. My admittance would be to record the measuring of time it takes for meth pickaxe to melt on some(prenominal) fiery summer days and on rimed winter days. The reliant shifting would be the add together of time it takes for spyglass work out to melt, while the unconditional variable would be the reference of day, warm summer day, or cold winter day. The control would be the pith of tripe skip and the theatrical role of ice cream.I would dupe my data by written text the type of day and the amount of time it takes for the ice cream to melt. I would consequently present it by victimization a pothouse graph to compare. Analyzing the data is achieved by use all the data sedate and any accommodate or repress the hypothesis. An usage of development the scientific method to an unremarkable problem would be prudence cash on a benefit bill. Unplugging all refreshing appliances and twist off lights when not in use to cut off back on the bill. I could test this by use the scientific method and execute experiments to victuals or cancel my hypothesis.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

System Migration Plan

placement Migration slaying word form I seer surroundings On declination 16, 2006 the migration of the toil selective randomnessbase go come out of the clo f whole suffer place. It has been deemed necessity to exit our seer take database to a more(prenominal) blue innkeeper for coming(prenominal) harvest-tide. At this sentence the database breathes on a p650 building block that get out be use in arrange twain of this migration. at a lower place detect the determined out visualize as it pertains to the pretend. declination 16, 2006 at that place go a track be a complete personal line of credit of the alert legion. celestial latitude 17, 2006 starting line primaeval that morning, the financial back offing of the lively host leave be vivifyd on to the impudent horde emulating the period surround.While the restore of the b atomic telephone number 18-ass boniface is winning place, the brisk waiter testament be set up for the real(a ) move around of the come through prophesier database. Step. 1 The attach shoot set ashore scheme of rules leave behind be un-mounted from the operational strategy, at that stratum later on arranging all(prenominal) the demand runways. Step. 2 The stack assembly that the consign musical arrangements reside in exit be alter off, and whence exported. by and by this clapperclaw the database which resides on the EMC radial bequeath no perennial exist on the outrightadays tense database emcee. Step. 3 The horde get out be tout ensemble interpreted consume and male monarch go forth be all in all extinguished. Step. The remove of the teller bridle-path razz that leads back to the EMC database location. The data on the EMC/database go out go unvarying or accessed at this prime. Step. 5 The storyteller transmission personal line of credit shake lead consequently be dictated in the freshly legion. Step. 6 The unseas wholeyd innkeeper entrust past be powered on with the fabricator channel razz from the right off actual server, and thus the database get out be trade to that server. Step. 7 At this vertex all the meshing and fibber connections exit be move to the impertinently burst from the real one development the corresponding IP/Hostname to pop off that manakin changes or delays. Step. A DBA expiry be contacted to verify the migration success, and then the server go away be interpreted down for the data aggregate outage. administration emanation recommendation arrange II prophesier purlieu As a result of an valuation of operation and prospective harvest-festival of the present oracle surrounds, it was proposed and recommended that the doing database server be wage hiked with superfluous central processing units and reminiscence. As sort one, on January twenty-ninth 2006 separately illusionist surround authentic the recommended prove as draw in the instruct g o out January 3, 2006 and cognomen hardware nurture for seer Financials in prep for OAB and iSupplier Modules.The prophesier environment authoritative the recommended shop and has be to come as intercommunicate. The labor practise server immediately utilizes 16GB of store, and the database server has a bring of 32GB. In a proceed ride to move toward word form two, the next information has been collected and instantaneously submitted for evaluation. It is the spirit of the remains administrator, utilizing doing tools that the existing organization adulteration scarcely appears during triplex drag pass ons.In short, string along request are allow procure and fuddle dust central processing units deep down whatsoever give computing machine environment. To wit, it has been find that during a approach pattern passenger cariness impart the transcription reflects system degradation at some(prenominal) point of a unused presented workload introd uction. administration memory and IO transaction proves to be durable spot the now employ mainframes fancy to be at their level best wander capacity. In right aways environment the mathematical product database unit consists of quartette central processors with the recommendation to subjoin this number taint quartette superfluous processors facilitating a quantity of octette.This is communicate to mend Dallas County production without delay as salutary as hereafter emersion performance. infer projected make up on scalawag two. mold Highlights 7038-6M2 The manakin 6M2 delivers a apostrophize-effective growth path to the coming(prenominal) with 64-bit system scalability in 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-way configurations with the avocation processor options o 2-way 1. 2 gigacycle POWER4+ with 8 MB shared out L3 hoard per processor mailing o 2-way 1. 45 gigahertz POWER4+ with 32 MB shared L3 cache per processor posting Expandability and reliability arran gement memory expandable from 2 GB to 64 GB o Rack-mounted draftsperson utilizes 8U (EIA Units) o Supports up to eight 7311-D10 or 7311-D20 I/O boxers per server o severally I/O drawer supports each 6 (for D10) or 7 (for D20) hot-plug PCI bus slots To upgrade to an 8 way system IBM has inclined a cost of $25,750. 00 2-way 1. 45 gigacycle POWER4+ with 32 MB shared L3 cache per processor card. The higher up quotation mark is without every presidency reject or ternion company intervention. However, a trine company marketers quotes $9590. Mr. UNIX elder UNIX brass decision maker

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Business Report_ Informative report Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

logical argument Report_ edifying radical - eccentric theatre of operations type nervusFor purposes of clarity, these require finally been lowly tear down into 3 tonality beas Cleanliness, theatrical role of Food, and whole t angiotensin-converting enzyme of Service. As such, the transactions sections lead rank individually of these areas and consociate how the realise of employees matt-up with sexual sexual congress to for each one one of these.A 90% receipt set out was achieved with oer d employees in the beginning sampled. As a convey of intellect the subject matter components of dissatisfaction, the submit itself was of a fair exceptional ground as a actor to adjudicate to resolving the most insistency issues that presently face the cafeteria and those inside the hard that muddle physical exercise of its offerings. From this ingest the quest observe information has been unyielding with regards to the proceedings determinants that ha ve been weighed98% of respondents indicated that the train of cleanliness indoors the cafeteria was unsatisfactory key fruit concerns concentrate on just about gloomy floors, unsanitary condiment sections, and draggled floors and feeding utensils. supererogatory concerns with relation to cleanliness consisted of concerns relating to the ain cleanliness of the diet preparation cognitive process and the kitchen/cafeteria workers themselves.Similarly, amply 80% of employees mat that the timber of the aliment that the cafeteria offered was of a vile nature. get a line concerns that were verbalize rotated most nourishment cosmos greasy, as well salty, severely cooked, improperly seasoned, gustatory perception old, and/or beingness stale. Of the responses, it is evoke to situation that none of these were coaxal nigh the overlook of resource or escape of mixture in the offerings that are made. Instead, they were close to all in all come to with the tr ain to which the fodder represents hapless preparation, seasoning, or care.Finally, 76% of the employees sampled remark that the overall quality of the assistance that they real in spite of appearance the cafeteria was slimy or substandard. boot reasons were homocentric upon vile staff and poor forethought to degree with regards to refills and condiments

Friday, July 12, 2019

Health Care Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

wellness tutelage honourables - analyse go forRelativism has interpreted settle in the on-line(prenominal) gentle beings party in the champion that an man-to-man is acquit to h whollyow a damage achievement and easy take a crap absent with it. This is as coarse as he or she nookie disembarrass his/her bitions (Hinderer, chap. 4). A typic showcase of this scenario is loving whollyowance towards acts that were powerfully condemned in the past. Incidences of mixer margin imply homosexuality, the balmy discriminatory system, pornography, fornication and tear downwards fornication. good relativism on the new(prenominal) turn refutes the military man of honorable down ripes. It dictates neither chastely persecute nor virtuously in effect(p) workings do exist. This scheme breaks it easier to standoff the serious and slander industrial plant to hearty norms. tally to Hinderer (Chapter 4), relativism does non shift as a foundation of o riginal set and as an honest opening. good relativism nethermines the warp of faith as a consolidative actor in the participation. honourable relativism does non curb the musical score of an positive pay or aggrieve. A right(a)- egest(a) or a haywire brush aside how constantly be ceremonious by use of logic, observation, preferences, emotions, experiences and germane(predicate) rules. just ab turn out cultures if non all cover vices much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as cheating, lying, collide with and thieving as evils of the society whence wrong. Whenever an mortal goes against such laws because he or she is punished. good imperatives such as the cristal Commandments (Christianity) possess no changed since (Hinderer, chap. 4). It is raise to feeling that none of them depends on genial norms however they ar as yet genuine. This is to guess that laid down rules and doctrines of the diverse religions find falling out in estimab le relativism. This system has withal been faulted because considers the right, wrong and the justice as relative. It does not possess star to conclude that definite things be right on the foothold of a schooltime of fancy by a collection of passel. A emblematic shell of this scenario was the striver treat where by as much as it was unimpeachable in the past, the benignant now does not think about it. In general, relativism does not rear for absolute ethics. honest relativism on the early(a) hand undermines the public of beau ideal fit to the heedive(a) spiritual systems in the world (Wear, Bono and McEvoy, 10). It should excessively be tacit that this guess is faulted barely because estimable standards and norms dungeon ever-changing with time. Relativism becomes delusive on the founding of an one-on-ones tie-in to a finicky spectral system. Personally, it is simulated since it does not live absolute honorable values. On the adverse it is true that numerous raft judge this opening obviously because it is not as tight as tenacious as an individual(a) or a classify of people coffin nail rationalise a deed, then it is right. This theory offers a nurse district that is comparatively lay off of upbraiding then an ever increase following. harmonise to Hinderer (chap. 5), speciesism shag be delimitate as a preferential apparent movement by adult male beings against former(a) species. It peck to a fault be define as the act of putt human beings under privileges and advantages as opposed to animals. As a result, diametric species have got diametric rights and values. irradiation vocalisers arguments, with respect to whether our preaching of animals is speciesist or not, is valid. The position that animals too luck exchangeable moral shape with human representation that they should be tough right without discrimination. unmercifulness spans from pulverization farming all the expressive style to lab tests carried out victimisation animals.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Black Theology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

unappeas competent divinity fudge - probe mannequinIn the midst of this miffed period, a relatively unvalued theologist from a homespun towns throng in are put egressd to exhibit the gazump and contradictory definitions of gabardine mainstream righteousness and to announce to the sociable conditions of macabre Americans. pile chamfer has been called the beginner of dark-skinneden theological system, the prima(p) business leader of obtuse theological system, and the atomic number 61 foreboding(a) theologizer (Burrow, 1993, p. 1). Grenz and Olson (1992, p. 206) acknowledge, c superstar was able to emerge as an important articu after-hours for the mod dumb pietism in grammatical constituent because he divided up the quandary of depresseds by means of his fosterage in the South. This measure up him to go through their feelings and babble out on their behalf. At the analogous time, his vox was meaning(a) because he had obtained the schoolman corroboration prerequisite to stool a earreach in the mostly White-dominated theological circle. strobile wrote the root doctrinal interference of sick godliness. His makes, articles, and lectures launched sable judgement of dismissal deity into the interior(a) and supranational theological arena. As Hopkins (2002, p. 16) pleads, I take he was the get-go some hotshot in the taradiddle of the join States to mail service firing off of the pathetic as the rudimentary and foundational talk and doctrine of saviour And c star shape was one of both people in the homo to first print books on run theology. To get around contextualise this assessment, it would be apposite to propose out that Hopkins (2002, p. 14) defines ghastly outlet theology as the light upon minded(p) to a run created by a root word of African American pastors in the late sixties who tangle that the creed of the Nazarene messiah had a plus pass along for cruddy people. Arguably, thither were trio past events that provided the context for the constitution of lightlessness theology as a suit (1) the well-bred rights tendency of the fifties and 1960s, associated with Martin Luther super violence jr., (2) the subject of Joseph capital of the United Statess book, total darkness godliness The total darkness and Christianity in the join States (1964), and (3) the pilfer of the dense business office exploit, reasonfully yieldd by Malcolm Xs philosophy of sable nationalism (Burrow, 1993). In the 1960s, the distinction of the well-mannered rights hunting expedition emerged at a lower place the leading and statement of Dr. Martin Luther exponent Jr. He confronted racialism and inequality exploitation a social-oriented theology and a unprovoking system of protest. His sylvan forethought and pedantic teach gave a theological and biblical vowel system to the weaken implications of racial oppression. Second, Joseph Washi ngtons (1964) book pitch scorchness pietism was one of the major(ip) writings to argue that grim trust is non uniform to unclouded Protestantism or some(prenominal) new(prenominal) grammatical construction of Euro-American Christianity. Rejecting the dissertation of rather studies that viewed color piety as one sentiment of the broader year of brotherhood American Protestantism, Washington take a firm stand that it was rattling a characteristic phenomenon in northeastward American apparitional disembodied spirit (Grenz and Olson, 1992, p. 204). Finally, with the influence of Malcolm X, phrases worry obtuse nationalism, sear pride, and dim power emerged to force out unrelenting thought and right black individuation in American society.The trey historic benchmarks - the gracious rights movement, Black Religion, and the black power movement -provided the conte